Track By Tracks: Ironbound - The Lightbringer (2021)

‘Far Away' and ‘Beyond the Horizon’. Although both tracks are instrumental songs, their titles are no coincidence. After connecting them you get the whole picture and new meaning – ‘Far Away Beyond the Horizon’. Additionally, both songs contain the same musical theme. This was made intentionally to give consistency and a feeling of a complete story.

‘The Witch Hunt’ is probably the darkest song on the whole album, both in lyrics and music matter. It tells the story of religious fanaticism and the person pursuing the life mission. It’s an attempt to show the excitation of a hunt and achieving a sense of accomplishment.

‘When Eagles Fly’ takes us on a journey to Poland, somewhere between XVI and XVIII century. The song is focused on the battle realities and The Polish Hussars. The song is mainly about the emotions before and after the battle.

‘Smoke and Mirrors’ was inspired by the great fires of Australia in the years 2019-2020. However, in its meaning, it has a lot wider context. Both lyrics and music are divided into two parts. The first one is focused on the problem of indifference and the lack of reaction when someone gets hurt. In many cases, indifference, particularly when it strikes the unit can be as evil as the assault itself. The second part of the song shows us the view of an oppressor supporting the political systems which accept and openly propagate the stigmatization and aggression towards certain social groups – often called ‘the enemy of the nation’. Our main character finds his purpose and a new way of life in harassing those people. The last part of the lyrics contains a certain warning – if you are the person willingly supporting such political systems and you are very active about it, someday you may wake up and see that the same system you had supported, has turned against you and it will crush you like any other person.

‘The Lightbringer’ is a collection of stories about Lucifer. The lyrics show him as a rebel defying the will of God, a lover who was punished for loving a human woman, and as a devil, the ruler of Hell. The lyrics has also the motive of Prometheus of death and rebirth. ‘The Children Left by God’ is a certain kind of dialogue with God. The lyrics are focused on solitude and a feeling of abandonment. It tells the story of dealing with them, overcoming one's fear, doubts and finding your inner strength to act.

‘The Turn of the Tide’ is a collection of reflections concerning life. On the one hand, it asks the questions of our existence, who we are, and where our path is leading to. It shows us that we constantly live in the past not appreciating what we have. On the other, it tells us that we should live here and now, enjoying simple things.

‘Light up the Skies’ is a song dedicated to Polish Airmen fallen defending England during the Second World War. The lyrics contain words written on the Polish War Memorial in London - „I have fought the good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith” (2 Timothy 4:7)

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