Behind The Artworks: Beyond The Pale - Monument In Time (2024)

Like a photo visually captures a moment frozen in time, our release 'Monument in Time' is an aural monument, a tribute to our lost comrade Jeroen van Donselaar. We tried to capture and eternalize Jeroen’s songs as best as we could.

The monument is visualized by the clock tower, and the time shown on the clock is the moment of Jeroen’s death. The figure standing next to it is indeed reminiscent of Jeroen, also because of the white flying V. Whether it’s really him, is up to you, the viewer.

The tower stands in a bit of an urban wasteland. When or why it happened is not clear, but civilization has obviously collapsed. That’s partly because we are concerned about today’s state of the world, and those concerns are reflected in our music and lyrics. And it’s partly because it’s how we felt after Jeroen’s death: like something was broken in the world. As if everything around us collapsed. Jeroen was a huge fan of graphic novels and comics, so Boudewijn designed the artwork with a similar vibe.

Overall the artwork symbolizes Jeroen’s legacy being caught in the eternity of time. He may be gone, but he is never forgotten.

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