Elevory - Interview


Hey, Breathing The Core fans, here we bring you a new interview to the Metalcore band Elevory from Brasil. We have nothing more to say, so enjoy this interview and also like their FACEBOOK PAGE

1.Where did you get the idea for the band name, you planned it or came out just like that?

At first we thought about many names but none didn't fit. We wanted something that said it all while not saying nothing, that didn’t have a translation in dictionaries. Something that when people think, they would assign it only to our art. We stayed one or two months looking for the perfect name, until one day I (Kauê) was on a web page and I saw a picture of an African elephant, so far so good, I kept looking and I found a photo showing the elephants being slaughtered by ivory traffickers, then other pictures of small statues made with the removed ivory, reproducing the image of an elephant. I got that stuck in my heads for a few days, and if you stop to think about it, society is thus, we kill the true, the real, we take what's actually most beautiful in us, our essence, we end up with life to create small statues of ivory, small fake statues, lifeless, playing an imitation of what we would like to be real. We dazzle, oppress, gradually erase the real elephant that exists within us, we are our own hunters, we extract what is most precious and then create with the same material a fake elephant, something that has a price just to get a profit, displaying, leaving it on a shelf, in order that others contemplate the false elephant made of something that was real one day, but now is lifeless.

Thinking about it I knew I had found something perfect, the name which we were seeking for a long time, we attached: "Ele" from Elephant and "Vory" from Ivory and so we got to Elevory. A name that says it all and yet says nothing. You do not find it's translation in dictionaries, it can define us, something that when people read or listen to will only connect to our art..

2.Why did you want to play this genre?

Beyond being fascinated by Metalcore, it is not a limited genre, it gives us a lot of freedom in our composing. You can conciliate the calm and heavy in harmony. There is no doubt this is the genre we will feel more fulfilled as artists.....

3. Did you know each other before the band was formed?

Yes, but we weren’t close. For some reason this common interest appeared in our lives and ended up joining us and giving us a reason to keep believing in our dreams. Now we dream together.

4. Each band member favourite band?

Kauê : Parkway Drive 
Renato : Bury Tomorrow 
Richard : As I Lay Dying 
Wald : Killswitch Engage 

5. Who or what inspires you to write songs?

This is something that is constantly changing because it varies greatly based on our state of mind, plus we use our philosophy.

6. Where was your last gig?

In these 9 months of band, we have already received  some invitations for presentations, however, we didn't accept any, because currently we are focusing on recording our first EP titled "Deus de Papel".

7. Where would you like to act?

First of all we would like to perform in the two cities that are landmarks of the Brazilian Metalcore: São Paulo and Curitiba. But we would like very much to play in other continents (rather one which has snow, because it is hot as fuck here!)

8. Whom would you like to feature with?

With several bands, but the more we would feel honored would be the bands that we have as reference for us in Metalcore.

9. Whom not?

Unfortunately there are many bands in the musical scene we wouldn’t like to act with, because they have no content, they don’t add anything to us as people or artists. We could spend all day listing names here.

10. Any of you has ever suffered from stage fright? Any tip for beginners on how to beat that?

It is a complicated issue, for us anxiety and that sick feeling on the stomach are things that should always exist. If this “fear” and anxiety one day doesn’t exist anymore, you’re no longer an artist indeed, you lost one of the most beautiful things in being human, for some reason you have ceased to feel pleasure in what you do and it became routine, as well as a laborer who works in a factory and does not think about anything else, just to make his production and work automatically, waiting for the time to go home and the moment to receive his money.

11. What bands have inspired you the most? 

The bands that had great influence for us so that we have a band within this genre are:

National - Gloria, Envydust

International - As I Lay Dying, For Today, Underoath, Parkway Drive, Killswitch Engage, Bury Tomorrow, All That Remains, August Burns Red and many others.

12. What's the weirdest thing a fan has ever asked you for? 

It wasn't necessarily a fan but with no doubt the thing we have been asked for daily is: When are we going to get a job?"

13. What do you think of your fans?

Overall, Metalcore's public is faithful, open minded and appreciates the bands of the genre. 

14. What do you think of our site?

A brilliant idea, of extreme importance for the dissemination of bands, a mean to strengthen, attach and get to know bands from all countries.

15. Something to add?
Believe in your dreams, do what will actually realize yourselves. Do not listen to anyone who says you’re not good enough, that doesn't give you money, that you will never be someone succesfull in life, fight for your ideals, trust , do not live a life others want you to have, do not be an eternal frustrated, this is the great evil of our century. Anyone interested in learning more about the band, all you’ve got to do is liking our page on facebook. We will be constantly updating our work and posting the latest news related to the band.

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