The Oklahoma Kid - Interview


Hey, Breathing The Core fans, here we bring you another interview of the Progressive Metal/Djent band The Oklahoma Kid from Germany, so here you can see and give a like their FACEBOOK PAGE. We have nothing more to say, enjoy this excellent interview of this more excellent.

1.Where did you get the idea for the band name, you planned it or came out just like that?    

Back in 2007 Fred and Tom where about to start a project.They used to spend a lot time watching movies and got the idea from the famous ÔGoodfellasÕ scene where Joe Pesci shots "Spider".

2.Why did you want to play this genre?    

 We went through different genres and started with Deathcore or rather had the approach to. After a long break and lineup changes we wanted to redefine ourselves and put more elements in our music and started writing new songs in 2013. We really dont want to pinpoint our genre, its all about being open minded and play songs.

3. Did you know each other before the band was formed?    

Yeah we all knew each other before, but through being a band we also came together as close friends.

4. Each band member favourite band?      

None of us a has a favourite band, its hard to say, we listen to many genres and enjoy a lot of bands/solo artists, but rob will have a crush on Dream Theater for the rest of his life.

5. Who or what inspires you to write songs?      

We really enjoy to play live and want to come around with the music as much as possible,living from our music would be a blast!

6. Where would you like to act?    

All over the world!

7. Whom would you like to feature with?      

There a lot people we would like to work with! Kanye west is one them!

8. Whom not?      

The Olsen gang, because we don´t think that they got the right spirit.

9. Any of you has ever suffered from stage fright? Any tip for beginners on how to beat that?    

We don´t have special hints against stage fright but we heard that some people need to drink 6 beer before they can go on stage.

10. What bands have inspired you the most?    

There are many bands who inspired us,not only bands who play similar music! We all enjoy different stuff, but in the moment were really into 70´s progressive rock like Genesis, Yes or King Crimson and of course many current bands like Architects or Northlane are big influences!

11. What's the weirdest thing a fan has ever asked you for?    

We haven´t any weird questions yet to answer.

12. What do you think of your fans?  

We are happy to have our fans who share and support our music and help us spreading the word.

13. What do you think of our site?    

Exactly these kind of sites are the origin of so many good and well known bands, keep up with the good work!

14. Something to add?      

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