Rip All Your Feelings - Interview
Hey, Breathing The Core fans, here we bring you another interview of the Metalcore band Rip All Your Feelings from Spain, so here you can see and give a like their FACEBOOK PAGE. We have nothing more to say, so enjoy this interview!
1.Where did you get the idea for the band name, you planned it or came out just like that?
All started when we had to make drastic changes of the band's members. We made some kind of brainstorming of names and Crail came up with "Rip all your feelings". It became like our own Carpe Diem thanks to its double meaning of getting rid of your personal issues and also make them Rest In Peace. This name helped us to remember to let the problems stay away while we were doing what we love: music.
2.Why did you want to play this genre?
We like metalcore not only because its powerful sound, but also because its facility to letting you scream (literally) to the world what you feel. Moreover, being a less known genre, the brotherhood that comes up with the music becomes your family and your lifestyle.
3. Did you know each other before the band was formed?
Not really. The actual formation came up thanks to life casualities and we couldn't be happier to finally have reached our little band of brothers.
4. Each band member favourite band?
We have some different music tastes and we think that it gets reflected in our new EP, as every song has its own touch. Crail(drums) has been in love with Papa Roach all his life, while Jona(melodic voice and guitar) likes groups with great voice melodies such as Bury Tomorrow. Polter(screamer) is a big Suicide Silence fan and Luca(bass) and Pere(guitar) can't stop listening to Make them Suffer and Emmure.
5. Who or what inspires you to write songs?
Our biggest inspiration might be lovesickness, as you can see in "She was your life and now is your death", but our primal source are, in fact, the feelings. So there's not only one thing that makes us write our songs but everything we've been through.
6. Where was your last gig?
We last played in the "Killer Fest", in the old Mephisto, now called Bóveda.
7. Where would you like to act?
Well, Ressurection Fest would be such an amazing experience!
8. Whom would you like to feature with?
We'd love to play with the bands we admire the most and helped us being where we are now, not only music-wise, but also what we have become as people. However, the best thing of doing gigs is the chance of knowing new people and making the family grow!
9.Whom not?
Maybe playing with groups we dont feel conected with in terms of music and also with mean people.
10. Any of you has ever suffered from stage fright? Any tip for beginners on how to beat that?
Playing in front of people its not easy, but the best tip we can give is that you should always focus in having fun and not repeating to yourself how much nervous you are. Remember that you are doing what you like, and that the best way to show your work and dedication is through making people feel what you feel while playing!
11. What bands have inspired you the most?
Every band we like has put something in our songs recipe, though we could say that parkway drive and emmure have affected quite a few in the guitars and voices.
12. What's the weirdest thing a fan has ever asked you for?
Well, one time a fan said to one of us that he was her platonic love! However he was so drunk that he actually didn't care.
13. What do you think of your fans?
We can say nothing but thank you to the people that has never missed a gig and sings and dances the songs with us. We are really proud that hey like our music and we would have never gone so far without them.
14. What do you think of our site?
Breathing the core is an amazing way of never missing music news and also a great tool to help new bands being listened and known thanks to the interview system!
15. Something to add?
Finally we'd like to thank the Breathing the core staff for their time and for the chance of giving us a voice in their site! Also we'd like to remember that our first EP, "Moctezuma Promises" is being released on youtube on Friday 26th. Thank you for your patience and we hope that you enjoy listening to it as much as we enjoyed recording it!
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