Great White Shark Fight - Interview
Hey, Breathing The Core fans, here we bring you another interview of the Porgressive Deathcore band Great White Shark Fight from Canada, so here you can see and give a like their FACEBOOK PAGE. We have nothing more to say, so enjoy this interview!
1.Where did you get the idea for the band name, you planned it or came out just like that?
Nick - I remember Adam and I were sitting in class years ago (high school) together brainstorming ideas and it just came out like that. To us it had a catchy ring to it and we felt it was something that would stand out.
2.Why did you want to play this genre?
Nick - We’ve never really viewed our music as let’s play ‘x’ genre so much as let’s just play what we want and whatever comes out, comes out. Furthermore Scott and Adam both write their own material separately which adds to that philosophy in a tangible way.
Adam - As Nick mentioned, we sort of just fell into it. We got together as a group of friends banging on our instruments and our style slowly developed over time. While Scott and I definitely influence each other in the song-writing process, we also each have our own very distinct flavor. Our individual styles are still developing to this day and I think that this is a unique aspect of Terraform and future albums to come.
3. Did you know each other before the band was formed?
Nick - Not really, for the most part we got to know each other as the band formed. I met Scott through a music program in highschool back in 2008 which led to us jamming. Adam was friends with Scott already and it wasn’t until the three of us started working together that it became a real thing. For a brief period of time it was just us until Ryan joined the band as our Vocalist. From there everything kind of came together and we played our first show way back in 2009. Erik we were lucky to have met later on. We figured the best way to find a bassist was to just play shows and he approached us after one and everything fell into place. So to summarize all of us except Erik met in highschool through music.
Ryan - I had met Scott in my grade 10 year through the same music program that Nick and Scott met through. However, it wasn’t until we all started jamming together that we really got to know each other.
4. Each band member favourite band?
Nick - Gojira,
Adam - Gojira,
Ryan - Texas In July, Marianas Trench
Scott - Metallica
Erik - Mastodon
5. Who or what inspires you to write songs?
Adam - In terms of writing the instruments for some our songs, I find that our style is not inspired by any one band. For example, I enjoy the insanely groovy and down-to-earth rhythms of Gojira, but I also appreciate the technical aspects of bands such as Veil of Maya or The Faceless. In the songs I have written (and the ones we are still writing) I like to take my favourite aspects of multiple styles to create something of our own that isn't a carbon copy of somebody else’s work. It is still hard to pinpoint exactly where we get our instrumental inspiration from as our style is still evolving and our next album already looks like it is going to be quite different than this one!
In terms of lyrics for the songs I write, I get inspiration from various sources and it is often an amalgamation of personal ideals, scientific themes, and ideas about society which I combine and try to craft into a story. While these “stories” are not based off of real-life events nor even take place in our universe necessarily, the underlying themes and ideas can be applied to our personal struggles and often try to challenge the status quo. For example, Homunculus dips into themes of psychological torment at the mercy of a creator or “father”, and only when the subject embraces insanity do they free themselves from their creator’s clutches. While this exact scenario is unlikely to occur in our world, the theme of being trapped for a long time in a monotonous routine until the mind dulls and imagination suffocates is an all too real occurrence. I am sure many people have had the strong desire to break free of the typical and almost revered existence (in our society) of working day in and day out at an uninspiring job with the sole purpose of making ends meet. In this case, embracing “insanity” would be to break free from the monotony and pursue less orthodox but perhaps more fulfilling ventures.
Ryan - In terms of the lyrics I write, I tend to just write about whatever it is I am feeling at that moment. A lot of the time with our songs, either Adam or Scott - depending on whose song it is - will come to me with either a complete set of lyrics or an idea or concept with a few lines or maybe even a chorus or verse. From there we will either both work further on the song or I will venture into the song on my own keeping their original idea in mind. Sometimes it may even just be a matter of me sitting down with them and working out the kinks in what they have already come up with.
6. Where was your last gig?
Nick - Our last gig was in our hometown of St. Albert, Alberta, Canada at the community hall. It was a show we put on ourselves that doubled as our cd release/video shoot to support the release of our Ep “Terraform”.
7. Where would you like to act?
Nick - Most of the shows we’ve played up until this point have been local so we are really looking to branch out and play gigs within our province on the weekends to build up a following out of town. That followed by all across Canada and the US. In terms of tours it would be fun to play Summer Slaughter, Wacken, All stars Tour, The Metal Alliance Tour, etc.
8. Whom would you like to feature with?
Nick - There’s a lot of musicians I can think of that would be cool to feature in our music. Joe Duplantier (Gojira), Phil Bozeman (whitechapel), maybe a guitar solo from Lucas Mann (Rings Of Saturn), etc.
9. Whom not?
Nick - Anybody who ignores set times. The bands we worked with on our last show were so awesome for this. We stayed on time or ahead of schedule the entire night. Lots of bands unfortunately are not like that.
10. Any of you has ever suffered from stage fright? Any tip for beginners on how to beat that?
Nick - When I was younger and we were just starting out absolutely. I’ve found for myself now that we’ve played a bunch of gigs performing in front of people doesn’t make me nervous in the slightest. Which is good as I can then concentrate on playing tight. The best tip I would give is to just play shows. Only way to overcome playing in front of people is to do just that.
Adam - I don’t remember the last time I felt legitimately scared or frightened on stage; however, a little bit of nerves and an accelerated heart rate is completely normal and may never go away. Personally, this serves as more of a rush than anything and is actually part of the fun of playing live. My tip would be to try and channel some of your nervous energy into excited energy, as it is a truly awesome feeling to be up on stage amped on adrenaline.
Ryan - When we first started playing shows I most certainly did! I remember being nervous just sharing my voice with a crowd of strangers all staring at me. As the sets went on though, by about halfway through I had completely forgotten about any nerves I had started with. My tip would be to not let the nerves stop you from doing what you love, use them to fuel your energy on stage and just let loose.
11. What bands have inspired you the most?
Nick - Gojira has inspired me more than any other band can or ever will as a musician and a person.
12. What's the weirdest thing a fan has ever asked you for?
Nick - Several fans asked me for autographs at our last show, that was weird in a good way.
Adam - At the end of our last show the audience asked for an encore, so that was pretty weird.
Ryan - I would have to just reiterate what Nick and Adam said, the requests autographs and an encore at our last show were weird in the sense that they were new to us.
13. What do you think of your fans?
Nick - They are the best and I love talking to them. We’ve always found the people that come to watch us live really get into our performances and don’t shy away from enjoying themselves. Case in point we have a shark suit that we just ask people every gig if they’d like to wear it and to this point we’ve never had a problem finding someone willing to do just that. Ryan - They are amazing, they’re the reason why we do what we do and why we play shows. Without fans to enjoy the music there would be no real reason to make it. I love every opportunity we get to meet new fans and catch up with old ones. I try to make myself approachable to our fans whether they just want to say ‘sick show’ or to be there if they need a lending hand or shoulder. Surprisingly enough, I am generally a quiet guy and do not say a whole lot off stage but nothing beats chatting and getting to know someone; fan or not.
14. What do you think of our site?
Nick - Any site that posts our music is automatically awesome in my books! Ryan - Ditto what Nick said, but also any site that is willing to help us and any other smaller bands out with exposure is awesome in my books!
15. Something to add?
GWSF - Thanks for the interview, more sites like this one that really just exist to promote underground music the better. Also we’d like to mention some other local bands in our area that are awesome: Of Articulate Design, Eye Of Horus, Slumlord, Lesser Man, Negation, Contention, and Disabler.
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