Olf Stuff - Interview


Hey, Breathing The Core fans, here we bring you another interview of the Hardcore band Old Stuff from Spain, so here you can see and give a like their FACEBOOK PAGE. We have nothing more to say, so enjoy this interview!

1.Where did you get the idea for the band name, you planned it or came out just like that? 

Old Stuff is a degeneration of All Stars. Obviously, it came out when we look ourselves.

We want to think that we have been built to last.

2.Why did you want to play this genre? 

Xavi: This music is the one which I grow up with. I choose a punk and hardcore life style so obviously from the beginning until now hardcore has been my main influence as a drummer.

Kopito: I think that we play what we like, it's easy. I have been listening punk and hardcore since I was young so it's not a surprise that I want to play these kinds of music.

Adán: I love a lot of genres; metal, punk, post-hardcore, rock and roll... even electronic music or hip hop. But hardcore is where I belong, it was always a priority for me, for the attitude and as a way of life. 

Raul: Hardcore is the genre which I feel more comfortable. I can’t see myself playing songs for the devil at my forties.

3. Did you know each other before the band was formed?

No. We met each other online.

4. Each band member favourite band? 

Xavi: R.K.L., Soziedad Alkoholika, Extreme Noise Terror.

Kopito: I must say two; Propagandhi and The Dreadnoughts.

Adán: I always saw Have Heart as the perfect band. Their music, their attitude, their energy, the lyrics... also H2O and Walls of Jericho are on my top three hardcore bands. Maybe they aren't classic bands or aren't just the best musicians over the earth, but I got a special love for those three bands for personal reasons. But I must admit that my favorite record ever is "Everything you wanted to know about silence" by Glassjaw, call me emo. 

Roffel:  Mighty Mighty Bosstones, Dwarves and Snuff.

Raul: Beatles, Black Sabbath and Ramones.

5. Who or what inspires you to write songs? 

Xavi: My heart beats always on top, I don’t know how to play ballads …

Kopito: For me, Ramones has always been my inspiration. Not in a musical way, I mean in an attitude way. I wonder everytime; what would Dee Dee do?

Adán: Life and its challenges. I like to talk about personal problems, but I can't avoid social struggle or just express my opinion regarding some situations and ideas.

Roffel: For me, to do lyrics is a necessary evil if you don’t want to end up as an instrumental band.

Raul: Anything.

6. Where was your last gig?  

Our last gig was in Masia Masferrer in Vilanova del Vallés, so rural. Great people!

7. Where would you like to act? 

Xavi: Anywhere that the audience could enjoy the show as much as we do.

Kopito: Personally I would like to act in Scotland; where I was living for a while.

Adán: London, New York and Boston.

Roffel: Every fucking stage of this fucking world.

Raul: Anywhere.

8. Whom would you like to feature with? 

Xavi: Brody Dalle.

Kopito: Chris Hannah.

Adán: H2O, Madball or Sick of it All. Love the energy this NYHC bands got on the stage and that "family" feeling.

Raul: I don’t know because all my idols are dead … maybe Refused.

9. Whom not? 

Xavi: Any fucking fascist.

Kopito: Difficult to answer.

Adán: Rise of the Northstar. I hate that band for no reason, I'm sorry.

Raul: Christians rock bands.

10. Any of you has ever suffered from stage fright? Any tip for beginners on how to beat that? 

Kopito: I think that anyone of us suffered that thing; maybe we are a bit nervous before a show, that’s all. Anyway, a Nervous Breakdown is a good begining for a band.

A professional tip; have confidence in what you are doing.

Another tip; drink beer before a show.

Roffel: Yes, Beer helps best.

Adán: For the beginners: just think that people is there to have a good time and get fun, not to pay attention to your mistakes. If you got attitude, they always forgive (or just don't notice) the little errors.

11. What bands have inspired you the most?

Xavi: A lot of 80’ and 90’ bands.

Kopito: I think our music is a mix of our likes and skills; you can hear a bit of Ramones, Bad Brains, NoFX, DRI, Municipal Waste, The Casualties, Sick of it All, … in our compositions.

Adán: I love Shai Hulud, H2O and Have Heart lyrics. Also Comeback Kid, Champion or Gallows are a great inspiration for my voice.

Raul: There are a lot and from several genres.

 12. What's the weirdest thing a fan has ever asked you for? 

Xavi: Faster!!

Kopito: Can you sign my copy of your EP?

Raul: Are you Donovan’s son?

13. What do you think of your fans? 

Xavi: Without them the 50% of the reason to be in a band will lack.

Kopito: When you start a band and make music you want people to hear what you have created. So we need to have fans to be confident to go on.

Raul: I don’t know, what do they think of me?  

14. What do you think of our site? 

We are very fans of site like yours. We think that sites as yours are very important for the underground. We need you to spread our music so we try to support you.

 15. Something to add?

We are very happy of your interest in our band. We appreciate your effort and encourage you to keep rockin’.

Thank you very much. Your protection in the neighborhood is guaranteed.


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