Lost Within - Interview


In this new occasion we have the great opportunity to interview the Melodic Metalcore band Lost Within from UK, here we will let you their FACEBOOK PAGE to give them a like and follow them. We have nothing more to say, so enjoy this interview!

1.Where did you get the idea for the band name, you planned it or came out just like that?    

MK: It kind of just happened? decided to have a name change when we lost Martin (one of the original founding members of the band & 2nd Guitarist) and Lost Within just fitted/& sounded cool.

NW: As Matt said, the name just came to us after Martin's departure (over a few cold pint's if I recall correctly?). We like the name as we believe it doesn't necessarily pigeon hole us to a specific genre.

AO: We personally felt that this name suited the band a lot better towards the direction that the band was taking at that moment in time.

AM: After the year we've had, a name change was due. I think the direction had veered so far away from what all of us originally foresaw.  We needed to find something that defined us more accurately.

2.Why did you want to play this genre?  

MK: Just came naturally? Nate and Martin had already laid down a lot of the ground work for 5/6 songs before I joined. But once we started playing together and writing, Myself and Nate really started to vibe off each other. Then when Alex came in on drums, the fundamental sound of the band started to evolve into what we have released recently. I've always wanted to play punk, but that's never really happened!

NW: I'd say yeah, we do have strong Metal-Core foundation's, but we basically just play what we feel like. All of us in the band have varied musical tastes across the full spectrum. So when we write we don't really say "Let's do a song like KSE or Unearth" etc. Songs just emerge!

AO: This genre to me is one that is close to my heart I enjoy a lot of metal-core, especially Parkway Drive! but for us as a band we don't write to please fans, or people out there in the big wide world, we write for ourselves, what comes out  is natural with a few clever twists. For us this is a passion and I think we reflect that with how the songs turn out.

AM: I cut my teeth in country music, although I've always had a love for fast, aggressive music. I came to audition for the band after a good 3 year stint of not making music because I liked Martin who I met first.

3. Did you know each other before the band was formed?    

MK: I had gigged with Alex a lot with my pervious band although he joined when our original drummer Tom ( who left due to musical differences) again who I played with a lot beforehand. Then Alex joined as our new drummer. I met Nate and Andy through the band.

NW: I gigged with Matt many moons ago but never really knew him personally, the same with Alex. Andy was "discovered" by our ex-2nd Guitarist Martin. So it's all be a new experience for us all, meeting and playing with "strangers" if you like!

AO: I knew only Matt before joining the band had some crazy gigs together and laughs! The rest of the guys I met by joining this band and I could not be happier with these bunch of guys ! Such a tight knit family who are dedicated to this band.

AM: I met the previous 2nd Guitarist (Martin) in a bar around Christmas when I was drunk, so no prior meetings! I'd played on entirely different circuits to the other guys.

4. Each band member favourite band?    

MK: NOFX, Less Than Jake, Therapy?

NW: The list is endless! Sylosis, Queen, Incubus, KSE, Fear Factory, Megadeth, Shadows Fall, Slipknot... . I even like some pop bands/artists like Take That, Lana Del Rey and Olly Murs... Straight up!

AO: This question is one I answer with no hesitation I have a wide variety of musical taste from Hip hop, Metal, R&B and even early 90's house and dance music. Sylosis, Parkway Drive, Unearth, Killswitch Engage, NWA, EAZY E, Ice Cube, Dr Drethe list goes on and on

AM: Anyhting with heart. Preferably with banjos.

5. Who or what inspires you to write songs?  

MK: The love of playing music with your mates, that moment you write something that has you all stood there grinning and giggling to each other.

NW: Matts pretty much nailed that answer!

AO: Agreed with Matt, but as a whole band wise we have some serious musical chemistry going on, we have moments like that almost every practice.

AM: Everyday life, history, literature. I prefer to write about things that I've actually experienced.

6. Where was your last gig?  

MK: Playing or watching?   Playing was Humber Street Sesh (local Hull festival) with my old band Incubated  Watching - New Model Army at Fibbers in York, a band that my parents listen to a lot when I was younger so went with my old man to go see them play. Fucking brilliant gig.

NW: Last time I gigged I was single and didn't have 2 kids (Around 7 years ago)! By default I have been a bedroom warrior, playing, writing and recording until the formation of this band anyhow!  Watching: Funeral For A Friend at the Duchess in York May 2015.

AO: Playing: Methull Militia 3 at O'Rileys last Novemeber with previous Band. Watching: Funeral For A Friend at the Duchess in York May 2015, Not a band I thought I would ever see, they were really good, plus I got to go with these guys!

AM: My last gig was at a small bar in my solo outfit (Lynwud), which also was the first solo performance I've ever done.

7. Where would you like to act?  

MK: Anywhere, although I do like smaller venues because its more personal/intimate and you get a better vibe.

NW: Again, anywhere... Smaller venues are cool!

AO: Absolutely anywhere including The Moon! But small intimate venues are awesome.

AM: Smaller venues

8. Whom would you like to feature with?  

MK: Anyone? Can't see us playing a NOFX tour. So I'll say Shadows Fall or KSE for Nate!

NW: If we are lucky enough to feature with a well known Band no matter what genre, I'd be extremely happy for us to have that opportunity!

AO: If a support slot came up for Parkway Drive, HELL YEAH! Michael Jackson if he was still alive!

AM: Bruce Springsteen.

9. Whom not?  

People who don't 'care' or relate to what they do.

10. Any of you has ever suffered from stage fright? Any tip for beginners on how to beat that?  

MK: Never had stage fright, but did play a gig where the drummers was so pumped up, either because of nerves or energy drinks. He started playing at 100 miles an hour, so I had to turn round and tell him to slow it down because I could keep up with my playing.

NW: Dutch courage! Dutch courage works for me! But once I am on the stage, all is good! But warming up with some picking exercises etc. aids with focus and is quite relaxing!

AO: My First ever gig was nervous.  But now, I just get up and do my thing put on a show! You have to remember that you are going up there to display your talent and show that crowd what your really all about. Do not over think it, go up with the mind set "we are going to own this!" I also find warming up before a show soothes me personally.

AM: I've never really got stage fright, I enjoy being able to be in character for 30 minutes. My advice would be simply follow your heart, you know it makes you happy, and that's all that matters. Not what anyone thinks or says, embrace it.

11. What bands have inspired you the most?

MK: The bands I mentioned previously.

NW: Too many bands.

AO: Absolutely any music I listen to.

AM: Too many to mention.

12. What's the weirdest thing a fan has ever asked you for?    

MK: This interview?? I've never really been asked to do one of these before!

NW: Well not a Fan but a fellow band made a weird request! One of the old bands I were in, we were asked by another band to borrow a guitar, then an amp... Who the hell goes to play a gig without their instruments!

AO: Again not a Fan but another band! Someone has asked to lend my full set of cymbals before... Yeah, not happening...

13. What do you think of your fans?  

MK: Do we have any fans yet? We've not even started gigging with this band! But I do thank everyone for listening to/downloading/sharing our tracks that have been put out and all the love for them even though we haven't even set foot on a stage yet!

NW: As this is a completely new band for us all and some of us been out of action for a few years, we arejust happy with the feedback we have received from the tracks/ EP we have posted online!

AO: To be honest, with the response we have had to our first two tracks been released I can honestly say we have some really dedicated music fans out there! I would like to thank each and every person who is sharing, downloading and listening to that material we really appreciate all of it. We like to be as down to earth as the fans are too not be arrogant about the matter.

14. What do you think of our site?  

MK: It's good to see people pushing the scene and try and get bands like ourselves out there to a wide audience, keep it up!!!!!

NW: Brilliant, there should me more sites/people like yourselves pushing music in general! Thanks for giving us the opportunity to speak to you!

AO: Its a pleasure to have sites like this getting so involved with new local talent you guys open up the doorway to opportunities that we possibly wouldn't be able to do without you guys.

15. Something to add?  

MK: Never eat yellow snow..

NW: Just be yourself, do what feel is right, do what you want, don't feel pressured by those around you!

AO: Bourbons with a cup of tea are the best!..... But seriously yeah as Nate said, don't be pressurised by what others are doing don't feel like you have to follow suit I have found that been more original really pays off in life, have a hard working ethic about yourself too!

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