Interviews: Arm The Restless

In this new occassion we have had the pleasure to interview the Post-Hardcore band Arm The Restless, from USA. Check out this band because they are amazing and do not forget to follow them in their FACEBOOK PAGE.

1. Where did you get the idea for the band name?

Alberto: “I thought of it on the spot.” 

Anthony: “Alberto just popped it out before we were even a band and it just stuck.” 

Sage: “I had no say because the name was founded before I became the band’s drummer. I had no intention of asking them to change it either because it’s pretty cool.” 

2. Why did you want to play this genre?

Alberto: “Or music tastes are all over the place so we don’t completely fit a certain genre. We play what we want to play.

Anthony: “We’ve each got a lot of different influences on our writing/playing style that turned our songwriting into this Metal influenced moshy mash up of Post- Hardcore and Pop Punk. We just started calling ourselves Pop Mosh so we had a blanket term for our sound.” 

Sage: “I love the fact that we write/play whatever we feel like. So when things didn’t work out with college and the guys asked me to join the band, how could I say no?” 

3. Did you know each other before the band was formed?

Alberto: “I knew Sage for a few years, though I met Anthony when the band was formed.” 

Anthony: “I didn’t know anybody until we formed the band. Though with the way we act together you’d think we’d all known each other for years.” 

Sage: “I was only friends with our guitarist, Alberto, before the band started, but now one might think we had all known each other from before the band and then some.” 

4. Each member’s favorite band?

Alberto: “Avenged Sevenfold” 

Sage: “Avenged Sevenfold, hands down. Their sound is so unique. Nothing will ever beat them.” 

Anthony: “Silverstein, Silverstein, and Silverstein.” 

5. Who/what inspires you to write songs? 

Alberto: “Tom Morello and Synyster Gates, they’re the reason I got into playing guitar.” 

Anthony: “Life, love, everything that goes on in and around me.” 

Sage: “Music, life experiences, and emotion. It’s all what most music is about anyways.” 

6. Where was your last gig? 

We haven’t had one yet, but we’re almost there! 

7. Where would you like to act? 

Alberto: “Rock am Ring, Warped Tour, and Skate & Surf would be amazing places to play.” 

Anthony: “I’d love to play Warped Tour or Skate & Surf, I just love that whole scene. Oddly enough I’d also love to play at Ram’s Head Live! in Baltimore. I’ve been there a few times and that club is sick.” 

Sage: “I’d probably say Mayhem Fest if it was still around. And I suppose Warped Tour. Both have good crowds, and better than that, good music.” 

8 Whom would you like to feature with?

Alberto: “The Wonder Years” 

Anthony: “Is that even a question? Anyone from Silverstein. Or the whole band. I wonder if they need a new bassist…” 

Sage: “My God if I could get with any of my favorite bands – Avenged Sevenfold, Ill Nino, Killswitch Engage, Gemini Syndrome, or Stone Sour – my life would be MADE. 

9. Whom not? 

Alberto: “Black Veil Brides haha” 

Anthony: “Black Veil Brides. They’re not a bad band, but their fans scare me a little.” 

Sage: “Black Veil Brides, Blood on the Dancefloor, aaaaand… I think that’s pretty much it.” 

10. Have any of you suffered from stage fright? Any tips for beginners on how to beat that?

Alberto: “I’ve never performed on stage, but I have severe anxiety so I’m bound to get scared. However, if I had to give myself or anyone else advice on how to beat it, I’d say ‘Just know your friends are up there with you, and that the crowd supports you no matter what. Just have fun and don’t let shit get to you up there.” 

Anthony: “The first few times I’ve been on stage I was nervous and stiff. I could go on about self confidence and being on stage with friends, but the reality of it is; you’re going to be uncomfortable, but you’ll get used to it. Just have fun up there.” 

Sage: “Oh HELL yeah I’ve had stage fright, but over the years I’ve been trying more and more with little things to try and fight it. I find that playing in front of people you’re comfortable around helps quite a bit.” 

11. What bands have inspired you the most?

Alberto: “Avenged Sevenfold and Rage Against the Machine.” 

Anthony: “Silverstein. And – oddly enough – Green Day has had a big influence on my bass playing.” 

Sage: “Slipknot, Avenged Sevenfold, The Bouncing Souls, Imagine Dragons, Incubus, and The Neighbourhood. Each different in sound but good stuff all the same. 

12. What’s the weirdest thing a fan has ever asked you for?

Alberto: “One chick asked me to stick my guitar in her. I declined. True story I swear.” Anthony: “I’m sad to say nothing weird has happened to me yet. Though I’m definitely looking forward to when it does haha” 

Sage: “I dunno, I’ve never had a fan. But to any future fans; I don’t sign body parts that are supposed to be covered. Let’s just leave it at that.” 

13. What do you think of your fans?

Alberto: “They’re all amazing and this wouldn’t be possible without any of them.” 

Anthony: “They rock. The amount of support we’ve gotten considering how relatively new our band is is truly amazing.” 


14. What do you think of our site?

Alberto: “It’s well organized.” Anthony: “I love it! Love what you stand for and how well the site is put together.” 

Sage: “It’s pretty rad. By the way thanks for allowing us to answer these questions for you guys, it means quite a lot.” 

15. Something to add?

Alberto: “Thanks for taking the time to interview us, it’s greatly appreciated!” 

Anthony: “We really appreciate the chance to do this interview. And to everyone reading, check out our Facebook and Instagram and keep your eyes out for us in the future!” 

Sage: “Like us on Facebook, give us a listen on Band Camp, and look forward to our future endeavors – I’m sure they’ll be pretty sweet. Thanks to anyone who read this and who like and support us. And thanks to anyone who was bored enough to read through this, you guys rock!”

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