Interviews: Atrox Terra

In this new occassion we have had the pleasure to interview the Deathcore band Atrox Terra, from USA. Check out this band because they are amazing and do not forget to follow them in their FACEBOOK PAGE.

1. Where did you get the idea for the band name? Did you plan it out or did it just come to you? 

Ryan: Atrox Terra was created by me in 2009. The name is latin and is translated to "Terror Earth" or "Terrorized Earth". However this line up is completely different than the line up in 2009.  

2.Why did you guys want to play this genre? 

Ryan: We chose to play deathcore because thats what the band was back in 2009. Plus, you dont hear "Atrox Terra" and say, "wow, they must be a pop-rock band!" haha. We enjoy playing what we play regardless of if its "true deathcore" or not. 

Joe: Because it is the heaviest sound out of death metal and low tunes. haha. Two of my favorite sounds. I have always been an "extreme" metal fan ever since i can remember watching my uncle play his guitar when i was 4 or 5 years old. He would play Slayer, Metallica, Celtic Frost, Anthrax, Pantera  and Sepultura on guitar.   

3. Did you know each other before the band was formed? 

Ryan: Bobby and i were in a band called Spreading The Contagion together before Atrox Was brought back from the dead. Bobby and Bert have known each other since middle school i think they've said. 

Joe: I only knew Ryan through Facebook for 3 weeks before i joined the band.  

4. Each band members favorite band? 

Ryan: for deathcore id have to go with One More Victim from mother Russia. 

Bobby: Whitechel, thy art is murder, enterprised earth 

Matt: Misery index, origin, necrophagist 

Joe: Atrox Terra! haha 

Roberto: Meshuggah  

5. Who or what inspires you to write songs? 

Ryan: Its funny, i dont really like to sit and listen to music a few days before coming to practice because i feel like stuff id come up with would be persuaded by the music i hear. i want to write what comes to mind. when ever i feel the inspiration i sit and program the drums, then record the guitars. send it to everyone via group chat, and then we go from there. we'll show up at practice and try to play it. Plus side of working with Joe, our new guitarist is that he'll learn that shit by ear, show up at practice and play it dead on with accuracy. Roberto will Play what he can and it takes him a few practices to lay down what he wants to play. We'll all add input to the tracks. Maybe someone says somethings to bland, its noted and we work on spicing it up. 

Bobby: life in general...anything. 

Matt: Whatever inspires me that day no matter what I'm feeling if its a good or bad it all comes from the heart. 

Joe: Um, i don't know. That's hard to say, haha. It depends. Sometimes i can just completely wale away on some killer riffs and nail everything in one take like it came from other dimensions or something. Other times it could be something that i was listening to that day. 

Roberto: Anything really I like all kinds of music and to write all kinds of music, If something comes to my mind I'll lay it down.  

6. Where would you like to play at in the future? 

Ryan: Id have to go with Rock Am Ring in germany. the crowds i see there are insane. 

Bobby: Mayhem wouldve been cool 

Matt: Maryland Deathfest 

Joe: Anywhere, anytime. But if i had to choose it would never happen. CBGB's...i like the smaller places because the sound is so tight.   

Roberto: Was Mayhem, but would have to be Summer Slaughter.  

7. With whom would you like to play a show with? 

Ryan: Chelsea Grin, ive followed the guys before it was cool to hate on deathcore haha Ive had a few chats with Jacob back when they were sleeping at fans houses between shows. 

Bobby: Whitechapel 

Matt: Black Dahlia Murder 

Joe: I would have to say any band that is cool with touring with us when we start touring. 

Roberto: Any band really.  

8. Who/where would you guys not like to play a show with? 

Ryan: I think its safe to say noone wants to play with Attila. not sure if my band members could top that haha 

Bobby: I agree with Ryan haha 

Matt: Warped Tour  

9. Has any of you guys ever suffered from stage fright? Any tip for beginners on how to overcome it? 

Ryan: Ive played a few basement shows, nothing with more than 10 people so i guess you could say my hymen is still in tact haha 

Bobby: No I was nervous my first time, but once I got up on stage I felt this massive adrenaline rush once we started to play then I was fine. 

Matt: It's nothing liquid courage can't fix. 

Joe: Yes, i have, but i always made it through after the first two songs. After getting through those, I'm good. I've played in front of 180 people to 1 or 2 people and still get stage fright haha. i think its a feeling that will never leave. It helps to get a few drinks in. 

Roberto: Nope, nothing scares me. haha  

10. What bands have inspired you the most? 

Ryan: Im stumped here. If i had a gun to my head, it would be Bullet For My Valentine. I am a metal core fan at heart honestly. 

Bobby: Deftones and slipknot started it all for me. 

Matt: Metallica stared it all for me.

Joe: I like allot of music, hard question. 

Roberto: Mastodon, Gojira, Lamb Of God, Meshuggah, Slipknot, Disturbed  

11. What's the weirdest thing a fan has ever asked you for? 

Ryan: Nothing so far thankfully hah 

Joe: A lot of people ask "what kind of guitar do you play? Electric or those wooden guitars?"  

12. What do you think of your fans? 

Ryan: Quiet, very quiet, haha   

Joe: Supportive  

13. What do you think of our site? 

Atrox Terra: It doesn't seem to be operational right now haha  

14. Something to add? 

Atrox Terra: We would like to thank you guys for giving us exposure and that we have new music coming out soon. We want to give a shout out to some bands in our music scene, Born With Open Eyes, Legions, Koanashi, Hands of Chaos, Repressed, Bury The Remains, and anyone else we've missed

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