Interviews: Evolve

In this new occassion we have had the pleasure to interview the Rock/Metalcore band Evolve, from Spain. Check out this band because they are amazing and do not forget to follow them in their FACEBOOK PAGE.

1. Where did you get the idea for the band name, you planned it or came out just like that?      

We gave it a good thinking until we found a name that convinced us. We wanted something short and direct, easy to remember. Besides, there was the concept of evolution, either in the personal level or applied to our evolution as a band. We considered that the fact that it was somehow related to our desire to do things right, trying to make a profit out of our experience to improve and achieve our goals, was a good idea.      

2. Why did you want to play this genre?      

We never wanted to categorize ourselves into a genre. “Rock” is a very extense genre and you can classify our music in many more. It’s almost inevitable trying not to sound like a band that has influenced you but we simply try to make our music as it comes, never copying and that’s about it. A song can be completely different from the other, so, if in the end the result sounds more metal alike or alternative, we don’t really mind. We just play what we like. Actually, each of us have different influences. We have succeded in mixing them all up and creating what we are, little by little. We want to play to have fun and we all get along very well, so, we are really happy. Especially when we see fans enjoying our tunes and our concerts.      

3. Did you know each other before the band was formed?     

Guitarists Dan and Jaime had been friends for years and ended up creating the band with singer Yusuke. Later on drummer Jorge joined and finally bassist Carlos, who’s just joined the band.      

4. Each band member favourite band?      

Yusuke (vocals): Deftones   

Dan (guitar): Alter Bridge   

Jorge (drums): Nirvana   

Carlos (bass): Guns n’ Roses   

Jaime (guitar): Muse      

5. Who or what inspires you to write songs?      

As we said, we all have different backgrounds, so we might have different ways to be inspired. What we do have in common is that feelings of our everyday life are a strong inspiration, no matter if these are bad or good, they can always end up in a song. We suppose this is a common way for a band to make songs work.      

6. Where was your last gig?      

In the end of 2015, at a local club in Madrid called Sala Fax. We have been really busy recording the EP and samples of our new songs, so we have had little time for gigs. Currently, we are looking for gigs, we can’t wait to play live in front of the audience. No doubt this year is going to be very active for us. Last year was a busy year too, but we were mainly composing and updating all our news on the sns.      

7. Where would you like to act?      

Each of us have different opinions, so we’ll tell you each of the members’ dreams or ambitions:     

Yusuke: Any kind of outdoor’s stage, it would be great to perform in my swimming suit during the summer!      

Jaime: Haha! I agree with Yusuke, festivals have a special atmosphere, huge crowds willing to listen to good music for hours, eagering to live a new experience... Definitely these places have something special, contagious. Pure music!      

Dan: I’m amazed whenever I see American bands playing at sporting events such as Super Bowl. I’d love to do the same one day. However, this is Spain… and it’s not common to have such events hahaha      

Carlos: Playing at Sant Jordi’s palace or Montjuic stadium in Barcelona would be a dream for me. Those are the places where I saw all the big bands as a kid, so playing there as my heroes did before me would be amazing.      

Jorge: I would love to play abroad, it would be a great experience.      

8. Whom would you like to feature with?      

It would be a pleasure to share stage with any renown band such as Metallica, Linkin Park or Incubus. Also with any of the artists we’ve had posters of in our bedrooms, when we were growing up. Nowadays, we like to feature with any band with a similar style, willing to do a great show and able to create a good atmosphere. For example, nationally speaking, we would love to play with Sôber.      

9. Whom not?      

This is a very good question, mates! In order to give a good show among bands we all should have some kind of musical affinity or something in common. Otherwise, it could be very risky, especially for the audience. Same as in other stuff… mixing is not always good.      

10. Any of you has ever suffered from stage fright? Any tip for beginners on how to beat that?      

Carlos: A tip I would give to a beginner is: just get out there and enjoy yourself! That’s what music is all about. I’ve never suffered from stage fright myself, I suppose that when you’re doing what you really like you don’t bother about negative feelings such as those.      

Dan: It’s impossible not to get nervous, in my opinion. You must think that if you’re there it’s because you really want to be there. You’ve got to do it, it’s your passion as a musician, so take a deep breath and count to 3. Have a few drinks and go in for the kill! Hahaha      

Jaime: I’ve never hit that extreme, suffering from stage fright, I mean. Although I think it’s totally normal to feel ‘’something’’ when you’re going to play live, I would even say that it’s necessary… It’s part of the game, in my case at least, because it helps me concentrate.   I would tell beginners to only worry about enjoying the experience and trying to get familiar with it. It won’t take long until they find a way to control feelings like those.     

Jorge: I would tell them to enjoy themselves! They should see these kind of opportunities as a chance to learn something new. As my bandmates say, it’s normal to have some kind of feelings when you’re going to play live in front of people. In the end I feel satisfied of having been able to make people enjoy my music above all. Soon you get into it and there’s no option other than having fun.      

Yusuke: I still get nervous before playing on stage. I just try to be myself and it helps me not to think too much about failing. I always try to enjoy myself.    

11. What bands have inspired you the most?      

Rock and metal bands like Metallica, RATM, Deftones, Korn… Even more alternative bands such as Creed, Sevendust, Coheed and Cambria… Not to forget modern styles such as Of Mice and Men, Memphis May Fire or Periphery (bands we have seen recently, here in Madrid).      

12. What’s the weirdest thing a fan has ever asked you for?      

Yusuke: We can’t say we have plenty of fans at the moment. I’m not gonna lie to you but our mothers always ask us about our next gigs. It sounds a little weird but they’re the best fans and we really appreciate it. Same for friends and relatives, always willing to see us and enjoy our music too. All emergent bands have started like this, and it’s something to be grateful about.     

Jaime: Our fans are behaving for now but the day something really weird happens no doubt we’ll tell you about it.     

All: We don’t wanna miss the occasion to invite Breathing the Core to open a section with the best responses to this question. It could be really interesting!      
13. What do you think of your fans?      

A fan is the reason why you’re up on stage, so you have to take good care of them. They’re usually really nice and we treat them as equals. There’re bands that think they’re just people who love them and, let me tell you, this is wrong. They’re the most important part of live music. It’s very motivating to see people appreciating your work, we’re very grateful. It’s our reason to keep on working, creating new songs and looking forward to the next gig. We constantly think about offering them new interesting things that’ll give them something positive in order to make this family grow, little by little.     

14. What do you think of our site?      

We think the site has very interesting content, specific and with a good structure. It’s a good place to meet new emerging bands and a good way to be permanently up to date. Of course we aren’t thinking about losing sight of you! Cool site guys!      

15. Something to add?      

First of all, we would like to thank Breathing the Core for dedicating this space to us on their website. We’re missing sites trying to support this music genre in Spain.    We would also like to invite readers to visit our broadcast channels so we can keep them updated with news we’re uploading especially on our Youtube channel (Evolve Official), where we have our newest compositions. We’re about to record our second EP and you’ll be able to listen to it through Bandcamp ( and Soundcloud (   It’s been a pleasure, thank you!!!

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