Interviews: Fire At Will
In this new occassion we have had the pleasure to interview the Hardcore Punk band Fire At Will, from France. Check out this band because they are amazing and do not forget to follow them in their FACEBOOK PAGE.
1. Where did you get the idea for the band name, you planned it or came out just like that?
The band name came out when we were recording our demo. Our will was to find a name that could represent what our music would sound like. To us it stands for energy and determination. We don’t relate it to any military connotation.
2. Why did you want to play this genre?
We came to hardcore punk by listening to, and playing in, punk rock bands for years. What ties us together is our will to mix up together the energetic and melodic parts of punk rock, with the heavier tone, the passion and the melancholy of hardcore.
3. Did you know each other before the band was formed?
When we started the band, back in 2006, Quentin (singer) and I had ever met a few times, but we didn’t know each other well. We became friends by playing in FIRE AT WILL. We met Antoine as he was playing in the French punk rock band SKULL SODA. He did the artwork of our previous album “Hoping for the Best, Expecting the Worst”. He finally joined the band in 2011, as our band mate Olivier has to leave FAW. We met Bastien, when we were searching for a new drummer to replace my brother Laurent, who moved to the Swiss border.
4. Each band member favourite band?
It’s actually a bit hard to give you a single name or a favourite band. They could be: 88 Fingers Louie, Comeback kid, Madball and Defeater.
5. Who or what inspires you to write songs?
Our very first material is “Daily Life”. Our music and words are highly connected (if not dependent) to the mood we’re in, or the things we’re living.
6. Where was your last gig?
We played our last show in our hometown, Toulouse (Fr). It was a real good moment. Small place, no stage, friends and family being there, and it also was the occasion for us to test some new songs which will be on the new record to come, “Life goes on”.
7. Where would you like to act?
We’ve toured in around 20 countries through Europe so far, and we love to discover new places as well as getting back to places we’ve already been playing. There are still a lot of European countries to discover like the Uk, Portugal, the Netherlands, Russia, or Northern Europe Countries… But touring the USA, Japan, or Asia would be awesome too. One never knows what tomorrow will bring…
8. Whom would you like to feature with?
Many bands to mention here.
9. Whom not?
We’re lucky to have already been given many occasions to share the stage with a lot of bands we love. Getting the opportunity to meet people who inspired you for years is a part of what makes the hardcore scene unique.
10. Any of you has ever suffered from stage fright? Any tip for beginners on how to beat that?
For sure, we’re all 4 nervous before a show starts. You could compare it to what you feel before a very important match. Some of us do suffer from stage fright. But trust me, you don’t want to get more details about this... Unfortunately we just don’t know what to do to beat it. Sarah Bernhardt used to say that “stage fright comes with talent”. As a consolation, let’s believe it’s true! Hahaha…!
11. What bands have inspired you the most?
We obviously took our main influences from 90’s melodic hardcore bands, and every band which could fill the gap from Good Riddance to Comeback Kid, surely have inspired us.
12. What's the weirdest thing a fan has ever asked you for?
I can’t remember any real weird request just now. But your question reminds me of a strange but very cool moment we experienced once during a show, near Troyes (Fr). The show was almost over, and we had been called back to play a last song. As soon as we started playing it, we found ourselves playing up in the air, held by people. Even my brother was lifted up from behind his drums, and “surfed” the entire place above the audience, as he was replaced at the drums by someone we didn’t know and who played the song with us until the end. I remember us surfacing everyone, staring and smiling at each other. That’s probably one of our best memories from a show.
13. What do you think of your fans?
We’ve just realized that when we started the band, back in 2006, some of them were not even 10 years old. We feel really lucky that our music is as appreciated by people who discovered us 10 years ago, than by younger people.
14. Something to add?
Thanks a lot for your support to FIRE AT WILL, it means a lot to us. Take care. See you on tour.
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