Interviews: Massacre Of Innocence

In this new occassion we have had the pleasure to interview the Metalcore band Massacre Of Innocence, from Australia. Check out this band because they are amazing and do not forget to follow them in their FACEBOOK PAGE.

1.Where did you get the idea for the band name, you planned it or came out just like that?  

Niall: As i remember it we where chucking around massacre at the time or names close to it and of innocence just happened, I do remember a debate over weather it was going to be Innocenents or innocence the first meaning physical and the other meaning innocence of the mind  we went with that one because the concept seemed better.  

Callum: It was sort of planned, there were a few suggestions and massacre of innocence just sort of sounded cool so we went with it. 

Dylan: I'm pretty sure I joined just after the name was conceived haha, there was talk of changing it for a while but it just kind of stuck. 

2.Why did you want to play this genre?  

Niall: For me personally it was listening to slipknot everyday from the age of nine! It made me really enjoy heavy music and the idea of fusing genres together an what not   

Callum: Some of my favourite bands play metalcore, I wanted to leave my mark on the genre too.

Dylan: I've grown up with it my entire life, my dad drilled Metallica, Pantera and Korn into me from an early age, so I've just loved it from then.  

Joey: Well probably because I've grown up with metal, because of my dad, and its become my favourite genre. 

Sean: I like playing metal because it is music that I both find interesting and challenging to play, but is also a genre that i enjoy listening to and playing live.

3. Did you know each other before the band was formed? 

Niall: No not really.  

Callum: No, not at all. I put an ad up on a Facebook page for people looking for bands and Niall messaged me saying he was looking for a guitarist for a one off battle of the bands and well, we won so we stuck with it!  

Dylan: Not really haha, we were all in the same moshpit at soundwave one year but we didn't know each other then.

Joey: I joined the band a bit after it was formed, I had just met Niall, our singer, which is how I got into the band.  

Sean: No, I didn't know anyone in the band before I joined, a friend of mine put me onto Niall when he found out the band needed a bass player and we went from there.

4. Each band member favourite band? 

Niall: Slipknot.

Callum: Close tie between Bullet for my Valentine and iron maiden. Maiden is in front at the moment though.    

Joey: Of mice and men, probably, Its a hard question though. 

Dylan: Parkway Drive!  

Sean: Protest the hero. 

5. Who or what inspires you to write songs? 

Niall: All aspects of our lives from the highs to the lows what we think about the state of things and all the stuff us and our loved ones are going threw. 

Callum: I write to vent, like many people. Music is an extension of my emotion and it's a way I can share that with the world.  

Dylan: The people around me and the events that transpire in my life make me want to write songs, as well as that I just really like breakdowns and writing heavy songs.

Joey: Just daily life, I guess. Sometimes you have a bad day and feel like writing a super heavy song, sometimes you happy and you feel like writing a bouncy one.   

Sean: My love of music and the complexity within it is what drives me to write and perform music. Also, having played instruments from a young age, I just got over playing other people's songs, so I just started writing my own. 

6. Where was your last gig? 

Niall: Wrangler studios.

Callum: Wangler studios on the west side of Melbourne, an awesome venue!

Dylan: Wrangler Studios! Was definitely one of the best shows I think we've played.

Joey: Wrangler studios, in Footscray, was very proud of that show. 

Sean: Our last gig was at mr. boogie man bar in Collingwood. 
7. Where would you like to act?  

Niall: Arrow on swanston.

Callum: Brixton in London, it's been a dream since i was very little.

Dylan: Within reach, I would love to play at Arrow on Swanston, seen so many good bands there and I'd like to be on that stage playing, instead of stage diving for once. 

Joey:  If we got to play at Arrow on Swanston, It'd be awesome. 

8. Whom would you like to feature with?  

Niall: Slipknot or parkway drive.

Callum: Love to have ace frehley on a song, he's the reason I play guitar! 

Dylan: As a vocal feature, Marcus Bridge or Winston Mcall because they are just kings, but if I could get someone to shred a mad solo over a breakdown, Jeff from Parkway.....Or the wiggles, they'd be mad. 

Joey: Telle Smith from the Word alive. I’d fan girl Endlessly. 

9. Whom not?  

Niall: Id rather pass ahah.  

Callum: Axel rose, really don't like his voice.

Dylan: Chad from Nickleback, just...No, please. 

Joey: Mike from the Devil wears Prada. 

10. Any of you has ever suffered from stage fright? Any tip for beginners on how to beat that?  

Niall: Just focus on playing every gig like it could be your last you have no idea what the future holds but you can make the moments your on stage count forever!   

Callum:  I used to when I was 14 or 15 in high school, I just looked down and headbanged my little heart out and it really helped.

Dylan: My first gig was terrifying for me, the only tip I can give, is just enjoy yourself, have fun and do what you feel like doing, if you're gonna go mad and entertain, why not go all out and enjoy it?   

Joey:  Yeah, I always have stage fright, but its gotten better with time. Just remembering why your a musician and trying to make the most of your time on stage helps, Pretending your just in your room playing also can help ahaha.

11. What bands have inspired you the most?  

Niall: I feel this answer is getting old but slipknot ALSO parkway drive architects the ghost inside bring me the horizon the list goes on! our influence page on facebook is a good page or two long!  

Callum: From a playing perspective bands like Iced earth, kiss, iron maiden, bullet for my Valentine, killswitch engage. The list could go on forever. 

Dylan: On a local level, Ocean Grove and Void of Vision because I've seen them progress and how much it can effect them, it gives me hope that we can get somewhere with hard work! Other then that, obligatory Parkway mention aha.

Joey: Bands like Parkway Drive, Slipknot, and even some great smaller bands like, Void of Vision and Ocean grove, they have such good stage presence, which Is one of the most important parts of being in a band, to me.

Sean: Slipknot, protest the hero, parkway drive, iron maiden, deftones.

12. What's the weirdest thing a fan has ever asked you for? 

Niall: For me to autograph their boris the blade shirt.... 

Callum: Not sure, someone wanted a hug once I've heard nothing too weird.

Dylan: Asking if they could feel my neck because of how much I windmill, having a small group of people feeling your neck up is a bit of a strange thing.

Joey: Haven’t been asked for much yet, but being a girl in a band means you get a few guys asking for some odd things occasionally.  

13. What do you think of your fans?  

Niall: They are a bunch of crazy fearless moshers we thank them all for their attention and on going support.

Callum: Amazing people! Always so genuine and we as a band always appriciate meeting you so don't be shy and come say hello if you see us.

Dylan: They're awesome! I wish more of them came out to shows though, its always good to see some familiar faces, as well as seeing some new ones! I never thought in my life at any point that I'd be in something that would have a fanbase.

Joey: They are great! Wouldn’t be anywhere if it wasn’t for the support we have. 

14. What do you think of our site?  

Niall: The breathingthecore site is awesome we really agree with what the guys do giving exposure to all the amazing talents on the ozzy scene. 

Callum: It's awesome! I use it all the time to keep up to date.

Dylan: Actually presented very well, very easy to navigate, I enjoy it alot actually.

Joey: I think its awesome! I love what you guys do for bands around the world, its brilliant.

15. Something to add?  

Niall: We have a EP coming out and it would be so sick if you went over to our page and liked it so you could know when exactly you can get your hands on it!  

Callum: Stay heavy!

Dylan: We've got an EP coming out soon! It would mean the world to us if you were to keep an eye on it, or anyone to keep an eye on it for that matter, who knows, maybe you guys could even give us a little review or something ;) Give us a look on nearly any social media, we'll probably be there, Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, Instagram, give it a looksee!  

Joey: Check out Massacre of Innocence on Facebook, Youtube or Bandcamp, We have an new EP coming soon, that we think you will really enjoy.

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