News: Fights And Fires Share Live At The Lab Session + Tour Dates This Week‏

Worcester based hardcore'rock'n'roll quartet, Fights And Fires have shared a Live At The Lab session ahead of their tour dates throughout Europe later this week.

"The guys at Live At The Lab made us sound great! Credit to them!" says drummer, Lee Jackson. "We're also off to Europe again later this week. We're playing a few old haunts and we can't wait to be back. We *think* it's our 30th trip to the mainland for shows, we've kinda lost count, but, it's always great fun!"

Fights And Fires formed in 2008 and have toured extensively since. Having released 2 albums, a handful of EP's and split releases the band are committed to having fun and not putting too much pressure on themselves to succeed. "If you're not having fun, what's the point?" is the motto that they live by.

The band return to Germany and Belgium for a short run of shows from Wednesday. They then return at the start of May for a couple of festival appearances in Switzerland - Biubstock and Obenuse Fests.

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