Interviews; EastDear Park

In this new occassion we have had the opportunity to interview the Metal/Metalcore band EastDear Park, from USA. Check out this band because they are amazing and do not forget to follow them in their FACEBOOK PAGE.

1.Where did you get the idea for the band name, you planned it or came out just like that?    

Ben: We all started practicing at my parents house in 2011 when we were still in highschool way back in the day. It was off the street East Deer Park (We were on the east side of 355) and it was just one of the names that was listed. We changed the spelling to make it a bit more personal and our own thing. We wanted something neutral so that people woundn’t know what to expect when they saw the name.   

Ryan: The band name was already set in stone when I joined but Ive always liked it. Makes sense to me.    

Colin: We got the name from the street where Ben's is. We used to practice there.   

Kevin: We started practicing and writing music at ben's house, and he lived off of East Deer Park Road in Gaithersburg, MD. We didn't really want to come up with your ordinary metal band name so we passed ideas around and EastDear Park seemed to fit with everyone. It's where we started and it helps me remember all the good times we had starting out the band and really getting to know each other over the years    

Shields: Our band was conceived on East Deer Park road so we thought it would be cool to change some letters around and there you have EastDear Park. Its still known to be spelled wrong on show flyers though. 
2.Why did you want to play this genre?    

Ben: Music has always been the only way i”ve ever been able to properly express myself and nothing has ever been more relatable and inspiring to me than metal. It was just so honest to me, and i loved how it dwelled on all emotions, the good and the bad. You could always find a metal song to represent whatever mood you were in at the time. There’s also nothing like live metal! There’s nothing like when a band just steps on that stage and kills their set with nothing but their instruments and the energy of the crowd.    

Ryan:  I was always into playing fast when I first started learning guitar and so I learned a bunch of old Metallica songs to get my chops up. I just enjoy the energy of the genre and freedom to really play whatever you want.    

Colin: We were all into metal at the time and we all kind of agreed thats what we wanted to do.   

Kevin:  I've always been into heavier music since I was in Elementary School. I fell in love with the energy I saw in live shows and it always made me want to be one of those guys up on the big stage,  

Shields: As high schoolers we always liked to do things a little differently than the rest of the crowd so while everyone was rapping we were jamming to lamb of god.    

3. Did you know each other before the band was formed?    

Ben: I met Shields (Singer) in 9th grade through football and lived in the neighborhood next to his. I actually went to middle school with Kevin (Drummer) but didnt start hanging out with him till I met him at my friend Charlie’s house during a party my sophmore yearand started talking about As I Lay Dying. A few days later I approached him in the hallway and told him I was trying to start a band a needed a drummer. We started jamming maybe a week later. I met Colin my junior year in weight training class and approached him when i heard some metal blasting from his headphones and asked him if he was a metal head. He said he played guitar and sent me a clip of him playing the next day. He started jamming with us and performed in Mr Gaitherburg with us that year for our friend Stephen Kasasa. We met Ryan (Guitar) last when he was 14 years old (we were 18/19) through some mutual friends and lived out in Clarksburg so we would have to sneak him out to practices and shows all the time at first. We wrote Bed of Roses on the first day of practice.   

Ryan: I met Ben before anyone else but got to know everyone in the band roughly around the same time. Cool dudes for sure    

Colin: I knew Ben, Shields and Kevin from high school. Ryan and Ben met up somehow and thats how we got to know him.   

Kevin: I met Ben and Shields in High School and we just connected right away. We started hanging out after school playing sports or video games, and eventually started doing the music thing. I felt like, "finally someone enjoys metal like i do!" and we shared different bands or songs we found each week. Colin went to the same school though we didn't really know him well until we were on the search for a guitarist. Ben found Ryan shortly after and it all came together quickly. We started writing songs at our first practice. I didn't think we'd end up going as far as we did and now it's like a brotherhood. Love these dudes.   

Shields: Ben, Kevin and I knew each other and were friends before EDP than colin and ryan came along and fit in pretty quickly.   

4. Each band member favourite band?    

Ben: August Burns Red, Lamb of God, Slipknot and Citizen.   

Ryan: Hard to name just one but I'll have to say Slowdive or Circa survive.   

Colin: Right now my favorite band is Fallujah   

Kevin: Right now I'm into Letlive., Architects (UK), August Burns Red but aside from metal I'm into Deftones, CHON, Kendrick Lamar, Paramore, Senses Fail. I'll listen to just about anything.   

Shields: My favorite band of all time is the Red hot chili peppers but if were bumping metal than i gotta go with lamb of god.   

5. Who or what inspires you to write songs?    

Ben: Lyric wise I write about things i observe through life and also what i see my band mates go through. I try to write in a way so that anybody who reads them can interpret them in 1000 ways. For my bass playing its definitely a combo of August Burns Red, The Contortionist, and Snarky Puppy!   

Ryan: Just everyday life really, sometimes I'll hear songs just play out in my head and I try and tab them out.    

Colin:  Nature   

Kevin: Knowing that when we record those songs that we'll have them for life. It's something we can all remember and look back on when we're older. As far as the music and lyrics i definitely think our past life experiences and relationships have inspired our music. We're always about good vibes and staying motivated and we try to get that message out in our music and live shows   

Shields: Mostly the experiences we go through as friends, bandmates, or things we see around us is what influences me.   

6. Where was your last gig?    

Shakas in Virginia Beach. Our next show is our EP release show in our hometown of Gaitherburg, Maryland at Raw Ink Tattoo Parlor with some very good friends of ours on May 28th!    

7. Where would you like to act?    

Ben: All over the world! I really want to play in europe!   

Ryan: I would love to play the masquerade in Atlanta, that'd be fun.    

Colin: Filmore in Silver Spring would be cool.   

Kevin: Definitely Europe and Australia. I think Wembley Stadium in England would be sweet, maybe some festivals in Germany and Amsterdam. And then get me down to Australia so i can surf all day   

Shields: I would love to perform in japan one day, its one of my favorite cultures that would be a surreal experince   

8. Whom would you like to feature with?    

Ben: I would love to tour with Born Of Osiris, The Contortionist, Architects, Stray From The Path, Attilla, basically anybody thats down for a good time!   

Ryan: Slowdive would be pretty interesting, I feel like their fans are pretty open minded and it'd be a great show.    

Colin: The Contortionist    

Kevin: Kanye West & Bill Nye.   

Shields: it would be cool to feature spencer from periphery on a song.   

9. Whom not?    

Ben: Nobody comes to mind for this haha i havent met a band i dont like yet.    

Ryan: I dunno   

Colin: I'd be down to play with almost anyone in the scene   

Kevin: Barbara Streisand    

Shields: Ronnie radke is a weenie   

10. Any of you has ever suffered from stage fright? Any tip for beginners on how to beat that?    

Ben: I barely knew how to play bass when we first started playing shows haha i just loved going out there and going crazy so no i never really had stage fright. My advice is forget that people are even there. Lose yourself in the music you’re making and just worry about having a good time. That positive energy will radiate throughout the room into the crowd for sure!    

Ryan: I wouldn't say I ever had stage fright but I just didn't enjoy playing in front of other people. I enjoy just playing alone but I've learned that I can still get in a zone where I feel alone and play my heart out. I think that's key to getting over "stage fright" nobody is there but you and just enjoy yourself in your own little bubble. Just don't forget your band mates.    

Colin: Never had stage fright just a lil bit of anxiety. My tip is to just be yourself go out there and have fun. Ty not to think about it a whole lot.   

Kevin: I remember we played a show for our school's "Mr. Gaithersburg" pageant for all the guys. It was pretty funny, Ben, Shields, Colin, Brownman and I wrote a song for our friend's skit (This was before EDP started, and kind of our locking Colin into the group). The curtain opened and it was only me for like 15 seconds, and I wanted to just freak out. But i got over it once we all started playing. My tip to get over it is to just get into the zone. Pretend no one is watching and just go out there and kill it. The more confidence you have in what you're doing, the better you'll perform. I rarely feel stage fright anymore, but for our first few shows I'd get nervous. I'm sure if we ever get into bigger venues and shows it'll come back, haha.    

Shields: I never have stage fright when im playing music but im terrified to read in public. Its weird i know. My advice is just do you man, no matter what people say or do just go out there and have fun.    

11. What bands have inspired you the most?    

Ben: Rage Against the Machine, August Burns Red, System of a Down, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Slipknot, Whitechapel, Between The Buried and Me, Lamb Of God, Nirvana, Killswitch Engaged, As I Lay Dying, Architects, Stray From The Path, Periphery and the list goes on and on.   

Ryan: Explosions in the sky, circa survive, slowdive, this will destroy you    Colin: A bunch of different influences, mainly progressive stuff like Karnivool, Between the Buried and me stuff like that.   

Kevin: In terms of starting music and playing drums, Linkin Park was always one of my favorite bands. Iron Maiden, Ozzy Osbourne and Rush inspired me early on before getting into modern metal.   

Shields:  Lamb of god definitely. As i lay dying, System of a down, august burns red, to name a few.   

12. What's the weirdest thing a fan has ever asked you for?            

Ben: For my taco bell….and no, I didnt share. Taco bell is delicious.    

Ryan: To sign their arm, I thought that was interesting. I don't really see myself at that level but it's always cool when someone asks. Makes me feel better about myself    

Colin: Nothing that i know of haha.   

Kevin: Not wierd, but a guy asked me to shotgun a beer with him while we were loading equipment out. I gladly participated.   

Shields: I still find it weird when i get asked to sign anything... i feel i havent earned that yet.   

13. What do you think of your fans?    

Ben: I think the fact that they give even the slightest shit about my band is the most amazing thing in the world! I want to meet every single one of them and hear what makes them tick. I want to know how they relate to our lyrics, what their passions are, I want them to feel totally free to approach us as friends! Shields and I are always curious to hear how they interpret our lyrics too.    

Ryan: The fact that we have fans is so cool and really keeps me going. As cliche as it sounds it's just the truth, whenever you feel like giving up you think of the fact that there are people in Brazil who want to see you play and you need to keep playing until you get there. Really changes your perspective.   

Colin: Anybody who has supported us and continually show up to shows we love you guys you make it worth all the bullshit.   

Kevin: Our fans are the best. It seriously feels amazing to know that people actually care about what we do and listen to our music outside of us playing a show. There are times where I feel down and thinking about some of the things that fans have said to me or thanked me for really brightens my day up. I hope that we can continue going as long as possible and keep making great music and memories with all of you   

Shields: Our fans are the coolest, our fans are beautiful people and i love every single one <3 #EDPeople     

14. What do you think of our site?    

Ben: Really digging the blend of big names with more underground acts. Its a great way to find new music! Stoked to be featured!    

Ryan: I think your site is actually pretty cool, I first heard of you guys awhile back and thought you all were very organized and professional.    

Colin: Pretty Dope.  

Kevin: Love you guys! Anyone that takes the time to promote bands and support the scene are A+ in my book. We need more sites like Breathing the Core!   

Shields: you guys are too lit.

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