Interviews: Bare Teeth

In this new occassion we have had the opportunity to interview the Hardcore band Bare Teeth, from France. Check out this band and give them a like on their FACEBOOK PAGE.

1.Where did you get the idea for the band name, you planned it or came out just like that?  

Well, we've started playing music together without any idea of the band name. A few months later, we were brainstorming different names and Titouan (guitar) came with many. Among them, we thought Bare Teeth was the coolest and we gave it a go. I have some ideas left in mind, but it may also be a good album name.  

2.Why did you want to play this genre?  

Because we all are punk/rock fans. We've all had a good experience playing in bands, punk/rock or not, but we listen to many kind of music: metal, ska, thrash, blues, ... We all grew up listening to this kind of music, and this is the music we want to play because we know it well. In addition, the punk/rock scene is one of the coolest and people help each other a lot.  

3. Did you know each other before the band was formed?  

Jay (bass) and I played together in Icons Down!, and Jerome (drums) was about to replace our drummer but we disbanded. I've started the band with Titouan, as he has just arrived in town and was looking for musicians. We've had a good feeling together, even if he's 10 years younger than me, haha ! ;) Jay eventually joined, then Jerome after our original drummer left the band. 

4. Each band member favourite band?  

I know the guys well enough to reply for them: Blink182 for Jerome, Pennywise for Jay and maybe Everytime I Die for Titouan. Mine is Bad Religion. In addition, we also like bands like A Wilhelm Scream, Propagandhi, No Trigger, Strung Out, Belvedere, Municipal Waste, Pantera, ...  

5. Who or what inspires you to write songs? 

I wish I could write good songs about politics, but I'm never satisfied enough, so I mostly write songs about my feelings. It's mostly inspired by tour life, friendship and situations that come when being in a band. At least, that's what I know the most, so lyrics come out pretty easy. I don't feel legit to talk about some people's struggle. You know, I'm from the middle class and I never suffered of anything. We've never know war, except on TV, we've never starved or had to fight for our lives. Our biggest struggle is to pay the rent, and I don't think we ever need to write a song about that.  

6. Where was your last gig?  

We played our last gig in March in our hometown and it was our last gig with Jay, has he wanted to leave the band for some months then. We're still looking for a bass player but it's on a good way. I think we'll be back on stage in September, once we're done with the recordings of our EP.  

7. Where would you like to act?  

Everywhere in the world !!! I've been to Japan and toured several times there, and I hope I can bring Bare Teeth in this country someday. South East Asia looks crazy too, in countries like Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, ... Some of our friends also toured in South America and Russian, and it was nuts !!! I also had some very good times in Eastern and Central Europe. Well, we're down playing everywhere and have good times with local people.  

8. Whom would you like to feature with?  

There's already a featuring for our next EP. Surprise, then ! ;)  The worldwide punk/rock scene is not that big and it's pretty easy to meet big bands. I hope we can work with Trevor of A Wilhelm Scream our our next EP, but it seems in a good way. We feel lucky we can meet good people and eventually work with them 

9. Whom not?  

Well, I really don't know. If you think some people are cunts, just avoid them ...  
10. Any of you has ever suffered from stage fright? Any tip for beginners on how to beat that?  

It always happens ! I will always remember my very first shows and I thought my knees would collapse but it went pretty well. Now I'm used to that, but if I had to play in the front of 20.000 people, I would be frightened for sure.  If I can give any advice, be yourself ! Don't try to act as you were someone else and be honest with the audience. Don't drink too much, even if one glass or two may help you feeling better, and WARM UP ! Remember that first impressions matter, and even if your show isn't great, you'll be remembered if your kind with everybody.   

11. What bands have inspired you the most?  

Musically speaking, we are big fans of A Wilhelm Scream and Propagandhi. We are also of different ages in the band. I'm into punk/rock since the nineties and I grew up listening to bands like Bad Religion, NOFX, Rancid, Pennywise, Strung Out, ... Jerome, who's younger, is more into Blink182 or The Story So Far. Titouan listens to many bands, from Teenage Bottlerocket to Pantera. As I said, we listened to a lot of music styles and I think it influences us in many ... but don't worry, we won't turn into a rap/nu-metal shitty band, I swear ! ;)  

12. What's the weirdest thing a fan has ever asked you for?  

I've never been asked weird things. No boobie signing or whatever. I'm not much into autographs. I'd rather take some time to speak with everybody and share a beer, instead of just sign poster or a CD. Talking to people is important, and even more important if these people love what you do.  

13. What do you think of your fans?  

I think we do not have a strong fanbase for now, but I know that some people from very far away love what we do. I wish we could tour soon in different countries, meet them and have fun. It's amazing to know there are people who know about us in Japan, Canada, South America or Eastern Europe. Fans and fun are why making music is great. If you don't have any of them, get back to your miserable job ! ;) 

14. What do you think of our site?  

You're doing an amazing job ! You have a lot of interviews and stuff like this, and compilations are great. We definitely need more people like you !!!  

15. Something to add? 

Thank you so much for putting some lights on Bare Teeth. We really appreciate and we all hope we can meet someday and have fun together. 

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