Interviews: Odd Crew

In this new occassion we have had the opportunity to interview the Metalcore band Odd Crew, from Bulgaria. Check out this band and give them a like on their FACEBOOK PAGE.

1.Where did you get the idea for the band name, you planned it or came out just like that?   

We had this different name when we were really young kids - Kaskadiori (Stuntmen). Later on when music was becoming bigger and bigger part of our lives and was the way we all wanted to go, we wanted to have a name that represents our idea for the band and our music. At the time we decided to change it we were already 10 years together without a single change of band-member. All of us felt that this is not a band but a family and we acted like one - going through all the shit together, and believe me, there's a lot of it when you're in the business of making music. We had the same dreams, same passion, we could tell what the other is thinking before he's said it. So... there you go! It didn't take too long for ODD CREW to pop up.    

2.Why did you want to play this genre?   

It came naturally step by step. As kids we started playing melody rock and blues, then hard rock. Every album was different and harder than the previous. Probably "WE ARE WHAT WE ARE" is the cornerstone that led to what we are now. It's the first of ODD CREW and it was a big change in our lives and way of thinking. All the rest is just evolving and trying out new stuff. A lot of bands now try to be modern and consistent. We just love to try out new stuff. If we like where it's going we keep it. The most important is keeping the groove! Also you always try to push your limits as a musician and try to keep it interesting for yourself and the others. I guess as I said it all comes naturally.    

3. Did you know each other before the band was formed?  

Me (Vasko - vocals) and Vasko - guitar, we know each-other since we were 3 years old. It's been 27 years now. Martin (bass) was in the same school as us but we didn't hang out until they moved him to Vasko's class. We already were trying to play and even had several original songs. Marty was a fan of Black Sabbath and Led Zeppeling just like us and he had interest in playing. He had to become our drummer but after several weeks of thinking we realized we could not afford to buy drums but his neighbor had an old bass guitar that he could take. So one morning he became bass player. We were 10-11 years old. A year later Vasko (guitar)'s and Bonzy's fathers met. They were old school friend who played in a band together back in the day. They went for a drink to Bonzy's house and heard Bonzy playing in the basement (he was 8 then). And that's the moment our band got a drummer. Me and Martin met Bonzy for the first time on our first rehearsal on 1st August 1998.     

4. Each band member favourite band?   

Come on, we'll all say the same: Black Sabbath and Led Zeppelin! But of course we all love different bands. Pantera, Black Label, Lamb Of God, Chimaira, Behemoth, Slayer It's really an endless list and that's only the metal stuff. Otherwise Winery Dogs, Norah Jones, Buenavista Social Club, Brushy One-string and... whatever's good music we love it!  

5. Who or what inspires you to write songs?   

We guess it's different for everyone iof us but maybe the common thing is the love of music and the screwed-up world we live in today. As for who, all the bands we love are an inspiration. You hear something great and just wanna do something great too!  

6. Where was your last gig?   

Jeee, we're so thinking about what's next that it completely slipped my mind. If I remember correctly it was in Sofia. That was the last show of the last tour. Yeah we had this surprise acoustic show on the promo night of our ODD CREW BEER, but it was only 4-5 songs so I don't count that! So ... Sofia, it was an awesome night!  

7. Where would you like to act?  

We LOVE touring, so wherever people wanna see us! But we're aiming for festivals and supports act now in general! Looking to join a tour of a bigger act!   

8. Whom would you like to feature with?  

With anyone of our favorite bands! Guess we hadn't have a special "FT" song yet but we would do it if we get the chance. I guess everyone of us has a favourite player he would love to play in a song with...Ozzy Osbourne :)   

9. Whom not?  

Jerks! We don't care how technically evolved a musician is. If you're a jerk, you don't know why you're making music! You have to keep it real and simple if you wanna do something that counts! All the big guys are great people, history has proven it!  

10. Any of you has ever suffered from stage fright? Any tip for beginners on how to beat that?  

No one is born educated :) Yeah we've had our share of doing stupid things to mask stage fright but we were kids and got over it quicker I guess. I think the best thing you can do to kick out the stage fright is to know why you're there and to feel that's where you wanna be. As said, keep it real, be simple and HAVE FUN!  

11. What bands have inspired you the most?  

Every good music, movie or whatever is inspiring! Different bands at different times.    

12. What's the weirdest thing a fan has ever asked you for?  

You don't wanna know :)) The first thing that comes to my mind is a Russian guy who was chasing me explaining that his wife want's to sleep with me. Another guy wanted my t-shirt so bad that he didn't let me get to the backstage and change before I took it off. It's really weird all the time, trust me!    

13. What do you think of your fans?  

Most of them are GREAT people! Really honest and dedicated guys! We love what we do so do they and you can tell by the huge support they give us! Thanks guys! We love you!  

14. What do you think of our site?  

You're great guys! Helping out the scene! We all do what we can and every one has his/hers part in the big picture! RESPECT!  

15. Something to add?  

Yeah, KEEP IT REAL, HAVE FUN and stay ODD! Strength, Pride, Respect & Family!  ODD CREW

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