Interviews: Raccoon City Massacre

In this new occassion we have had the opportunity to interview the Nintendocore/Djent/Metalcore band Raccoon City Massacre, from USA. Check out this band and give them a like on their FACEBOOK PAGE.

1.Where did you get the idea for the band name, you planned it or came out just like that?   

Barry: The first instrumentals for the band was released under the name 'Release The Zombies', When Carlos came into the picture and started to add lyrics and vocals we both wanted to change the name of the group. I really wanted to keep the 'Zombie' theme in the band's name. We must have went through 100 names before Carlos finally coined the term Raccoon City Massacre. Its zombie related and it reflected my favorite game at the time "Resident Evil". It just rolls off the tongue. On a side note, we spelled the name with 1 "c" the first time we tried to design the logo. Gotta love that public education system.  

2.Why did you want to play this genre?   

Barry: Horse The Band. I loved listening to nintendocore, but I never gave too much thought about writing it until I watched Horse The Band's Earth Tour. In that 8+ hour video documentary, they tour around the world playing music everywhere, including third world countries, and they gain nothing financially from it. At the end of the tour they still ended up releasing their video for free to keep their fans happy. That band played music not for financial gain, but for their intense love of creating music and recognizing that life is too short to waste time not doing what you love. Alot of the philisophical thoughts expressed in that video hit home with me. Plus they were having fun. Not many other bands have the nuts to do something like that, to somewhat sacrifice themselves for the fans. That was why I personally wanted to become a part of the nintendocore genre in some way. Its unique, it sounds amazing, it has the most loyal fans in the world, and its fun. Granted some folks take nintendocore as a joke, but there is much more to it.  

Cory: I didnt. I dont really give a fuck about labels. I just thought the music was good and I wanted to be a part of it.  

3. Did you know each other before the band was formed?   

Cory: No.  Barry: It was some music store guy named Ben who told me about Cory. I met Carlos in the mall when handing out CDs. Wes and I are really old friends.    

4. Each band member favourite band?   

Barry: Only Cory and I are doing this interview... but my favorite band I guess would be Veil Of Maya. Or HTB.  

Cory: Its hard to pick a favorite. I have been listening to Persefone alot. Some of Ovids Withering. Oh and Wintersun. Thats top three. I cant pick a favorite, its too much responsibility to ask from a person.  

5. Who or what inspires you to write songs?  

Cory: Depends on the day.  

Barry: Definitely emotions. I think anyone can do it if they can just be honest with themselves about what they want to hear in a song. But sometimes I will think "If these 6 bands had sex and made a baby, what would it sound like?"   

6. Where was your last gig?  

Barry: Whoo shit its been a while. Jacksonville, NC at  Cardinal Bands & Billiards. We shouldve filmed that one because that shit was hype.  

7. Where would you like to act?   

Barry: It would be cool if we got a show in Japan. wishful thinking.  

Cory: Yeah dawg Japan would work. Idk about a dream show there, but the Wacken Festival.   

8. Whom would you like to feature with?    

Barry: There is a sick nintendocore band in Japan called Mercy Personality !s Dark i would love to play a show with. And whenever She Wants The D-Pad is ready to play shows then I would definitely want to be on that lineup.  

Cory: Death Satan Goat Blood. BREEEEE  

9. Whom not?   

Barry: Im not too picky. I guess Kim Jong Un wouldnt be cool to share a stage with.  

Cory: Any band signed by Rise Records.  

10. Any of you has ever suffered from stage fright? Any tip for beginners on how to beat that?    

Barry: Every time I am about to play a show I get nervous as fuck. Nintendocore always has a mixed reaction. Just remind yourself that no matter how the crowd reacts, you are gonna be up on that stage the whole time. So you might as well have fun. Its damn near impossible for people to watch someone having fun without wanting to get involved. Enjoy the moment. Sip a beer onstage if it helps.   

Cory: When I was little yes I had stage fright. The key to beating it is to take every fuck you have to give and throw it out the window.  

11. What bands have inspired you the most?   

Barry: Horse The Band, Crossfaith, Veil Of Maya, The Browning, Her Name In Blood, and As I Lay Dying before the vocalist went crazy. Ive been listening to those same bands forever.  

Cory: Beer inspires me to write. Even though I dont write much, Im gettin around to it.  

12. What's the weirdest thing a fan has ever asked you for?   

Barry: Im normally too drunk to remember.  

Cory: Oh shit, one dude asked Chris for a 'drum pick'.  

13. What do you think of your fans?   

Barry: They are the only reason we exist.  

Cory: Yeah, even if we didnt have fans, we would still make music. but they make it all worth it.  

14. What do you think of our site?   

Barry: Dawg I love it when people help spread the word of no-name bands like us. Your site helps get bands noticed, and we need more sites like this one.  

15. Something to add?   

Barry: If you bring hot waffles to a show, then i will love you forever.  

Cory: Blueberry waffles. Because blueberries are metal as fuck.

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