Interviews: Ceiling Of Anvers
In this new occassion we have had the opportunity to interview the Metal/Hardcore/Djent band Ceiling Of Anvers, from Italy. Check out this band and give them a like on their FACEBOOK PAGE.
1.Where did you get the idea for the band name, you planned it or came out just like that?
We would like to thank you guys for this interview, it’s such a pleasure for us to be back on the scene.
Actually we were so attracted by the word Ceiling because nowadays humanity literally live under a digital ceiling made of data that we called The Cloud.
The way how digitality affects human life is always been an important topic of our lyrics.
The word Ceiling wasn’t enough tough, so at that time we were randomly looking to a place on the globe where to put our Ceiling over and we found Anvers which is not referring to the city in Belgium but actually is a small island in the Antarctic sea. That’s the story folks.
2. Why did you want to play this genre?
Basically we all share the passion for heavy, prog and technical music, so it was pretty natural for us to start to play such a genre all togheter.
3. Did you know each other before the band was formed?
Yes we did. Before Ceiling of Anvers was born some of us already shared several music experiences moreove we always been good friends besides the band.
4. Each band member favourite band?
That’s a though one. I could say we all share the passion for heavy music but at the same time each of us has his own taste and influences.
Our drummers jak digs Volumes a lot and music with breakdowns in general. On the other hand the two gui-tarists, Ema and Ximo have a very similar musical tastes.
Ximo loves listen to djenty prog band such Peryphery and Modern day Babylon while Ema has an endless love for classic prog metal such Dream Theater.
Gianluca, the bass player is the “deathcore” guy he enjoys Thy Art is Murder a lot. Last but not least our new vocalist Marco, his taste are somewhere in between many genres but one of his latest obsession consists in the band The Contortionist.
5. Who or what inspires you to write songs?
We are very inspired by the latest prog metal music wave in general, and we like particulary to mix heavy and chuggy riffs with ambient melodies and spacey clean sound.
We like our music to be as more flexible as possible, to provide our audience the right balance. If we have to provide some references i would say Northlane, Peryphery, The contortionist and many others remarkable contemporary musician.
6. Where was your last gig?
That’s is a little sore point for us since our last live performance was about 8 months ago in our hometown. That’s because at the beginning of 2016 we found ouselves without a vocalist and we couldn’t release any new song and play gigs. But now that Marco joined us we cannot wait to hit the stage again.
7. Where would you like to act?
Anywhere out of Italy would be great for us.
8. Whom would you like to feature with?
Well, that’s another though one. If we have to choose a vocalist we would probably say Sam Carter he’s both an amazing screamer and singer. It would be amazing also to feature a John Petrucci guitar solo in one of our songs.
9. Whom not?
Anyone from that kind of band such Asking Alexandria or Black Veil Brides. We just consider their idea of music as an opposite to ours.
10. Any of you has ever suffered from stage fright? Any tip for beginners on how to beat that?
Never ever had this kind of fear. We are all very excited when we’re about to hit the stage to play the music that we composed. For those who have such fear we suggest to warm up before and enjoy every moment on stage.
11. What bands have inspired you the most?
That’s difficult, we define ourselves as mix of different influences and genres.. but it all started after we lis-ten to the Concept of Dreaming ep from Volumes, so we’ll pick them.
12. What's the weirdest thing a fan has ever asked you for?
Sorry, couldn’t remember about weird stuff from fans.
13. What do you think of your fans?
We have a small but really active fanbase that shows interest in what we do both live and on social media and we couldn’t be happier. Thank you all guys.
14. What do you think of our site?
What you do is great, it’s really good to know that there are people around the world that show interest in promoting emerging talented band. We are happy to be one of those.
15. Something to add?
Thank you again for this opportunity, we had a good time answering your questions. If you enjoyed the single Mirrored Realities we want you to know that is just the beginning, we cannot wait to share with you even more juicy stuff whitin the end of the year.
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