Today, Night Verses is offering a unique journey throughout space with their stunning animated short film for "Strange Graves", that was illustrated by Night Verses drummer Aric Improta and created by Adam Davis. The music video is premiering now
"Collaborating with Adam was great. He created a whole world and contemplative space out of the concept art that really matches the feel of the song," notes Improta. "The juxtaposition of the digital animation and the drawings I do by hand gave the visuals a distinct look that wasn't overly polished, but managed to be complex."
The intricate art follows the release of the intense video for "A Dialogue in Cataplexy" - a video that is not for the faint of heart by any means, and offers an extreme range of beauty, chaos and intrigue. "A Dialogue in Cataplexy" can be seen now at HERE.
"Strange Graves" and "A Dialogue in Cataplexy" come from the band's sophomore full-length, Into The Vanishing Light, which was released on July 8 via Graphic Nature Records, an Equal Vision Records imprint. The album is available physically on tour and at nightverses.merchnow.comand digitally through iTunes, GooglePlay, AmazonMP3, Spotify
Into The Vanishing Light was recorded in Venice Beach, CA with legendary producer Ross Robinson (Glassjaw, At The Drive In, The Cure). The album puts a newfound emphasis on utilizing their instruments in unique and innovative ways to create a dense, atmospheric sound and experience for listeners.
The band, comprised of Douglas Robinson (vocals), Nick DePirro (guitar), Reilly Herrera (bass), and Aric Improta (drums), has just wrapped up a full US tour with letlive., Seahaven, and Silver Snakes.
They will kick off their next tour on Saturday, August 20 in Cambridge, MA at The Sinclair, supporting Envy on the Coast. All upcoming tour dates can be found below.
Envy on the Coast (Reincarnation Tour) w/Night Verses
Aug 20 Cambridge, MA @ The Sinclair
Aug 21 Cambridge, MA @ The Sinclair
Aug 23 Baltimore, MD @ Baltimore Soundstage
Aug 24 Philadelphia, PA Tickets @ Union Transfer
Aug 26 Cleveland, OH @ The Agora Ballroom
Aug 27 Chicago, IL @ Bottom Lounge
Aug 28 Detroit, MI @ Saint Andrews Hall
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