Track By Tracks: Los Bastardos - Siempre Firmes (2016)

1. 13°41′N 89°11′O:

This song is an instrumental intro for th album that has several tracks of distorted audio from the local news of our country. The title are the coordinates of our hometown. (San Salvado)

2. Siempre Firmes:

This song is a way for us to say thank you to the people that has been supporting us since our debut. As the title means, this song is for  the people that's always there for the band, but it also talks about the struggle that means to have a band in a country like ours (El Salvador) because there is not a big support for local music when it comes to the radio or TV. The only support there is are ran by local musicians or promoters. 

3. Esclavizado feat. Diego Magaña. (Ex-Instinct):

"Enslaved" is a song that talks about the hard life of hard working people in our society, that, it doesn't matter how much effort they put on working or studying preparing for life, the conditions in our country don't help them accomplish that much. It also mentions the social conditions of violence that also strike the innocents who have to go out to work and they get robbed or even killed in the streets, which is a sadly common thing in our contry.

4. En Su Honor:

This song is all about friendship. It talks about the struggles that we faced in the past, and the ones that we're facing in the present, but always as a group of friends. We've seen each other at our worst moments, facing depression, addictions and stuffs alike, but we got each other out of those situation by mutual support. And it's also dedicated to the friends that are not anymore with us. To our friends that had to move from our neighborhood and to our friends that sadly have passed away.

5. Hermandad:

This is a song dedicated to our local scene. To the ones that have been supporting us and other bands during this whole time we've been playing. We like our fans to be also our friends, so we have been lucky enough to make friends like that, and this song is about them and how they represent the scene with pride.

6. Dualidad:

This song is a very personal one for the band. Everyone in our lives have been witnesses of the both sides of everything. The lyrics from this song are about that no one can be good without having a dak side. As the chorus says: "... And the light can not exist without there being darkness that allows it to shine." Good couldn't be noticed if we wouldn't know what evil is. It also mentions how sometimes the people we consider to be good are actually hurting us and how "bad people" can sometimes be the most loyal persons. 

7. Vox Populi feat. Wens Rivas (Hardend):

This track is about all of the corruption in our local political system. During the latest years many corruption cases have been surfacing in the news and how they use the money from the people to give themselves a better life while the country is a hell on earth. This song criticizes all those attitudes and it's a call for all of us to wake and make ourselves be heard. 

8. Renacer:

This one is about drug addiction and the guilt that the addict feels. The lyrics talk about the inner struggle that a person faces when they feel they're loosing everything around them because of their addiction. In this song we wanted to add a metalcore vibe to the guitars, without loosing the deathcore elements in the drums. 

9. Fue, Es y Será:

For the instrumental part of this track we wanted to make a melodic song. The guitars have some melodic tones during the verses to match the lyrics. The lyrics were written by our drummer Alberto Amaya, this song is a very special one for him. It is dedicated to his friends from high school, but he didn't want it to be so literal so the lyrics are also opened to interpretation of friendship in general, beacause we all have friends that have changed our lives and that are valuable for us.

10. Estado Fallido. 

This is one of the fastest songs in the album. It's got a lot of influences from thrash metal, punk, but without loosing our hardcore vibe. The lyrics make reference to how our government is failing at giving to its society the appropriate conditions for a better life and how the candidates lie during the campaign to get the votes of the people who don't open their minds in a very polarized politicial system.

11. Fénix:

In this track we wanted to do something different with our sound. It's a slower song. We wanted to take some djent tones in the guitar, and blend them with some beatdown/downtempo hardcore. The lyrics are about how failing at something can help you get stronger. How the rage of falling gives you that extra push you needed to accomplish something. It doesn't matter how hard things may get, there's always a chance to get out victorious. It talks about the rebirth we experience after any hard situation we've gone through. This song has also helped to find a new sound line for the band that will be heard in the new songs we're currently writing.

12. Cinco-Cero-Tres:

This is an instrumental closing track. We didn't want to finish just like that. It is a song full of breakdowns with a very deathcore sound. It was intended to leave people wanting more from us. The title 5-0-3 is the area code of our country. We wanted it to let people know where we're from and that we want to put our country's name up high. It is our way to tell people that here's more than just violence.

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