Interviews: Attraction To Tragedy

In this new occassion we have had the opportunity to interview the Metalcore  band Attraction To Tragedy, from USA. Check out this band and give them a like on their FACEBOOK PAGE.

1.Where did you get the idea for the band name, you planned it or came out just like that?
Jaiden: I got the idea from the morbid fascination that people have with death and tragedy.
2.Why did you want to play this genre?
Jaiden: I heard Master Of Puppets when I was around 10/11 and it’s been all downhill from there.
Brandon: I originally grew up listening to, of course, bands like Mötley or Van Halen then later realized the raw aggression that comes with the territory of metal so naturally took interest in shaping my mentality by venting through what felt heavy. Plus, who doesn't love fast riffs and powerful vocals?
Izzy: I never even had listened to this genre before joining the band so it was all a huge adjustment but I love it

3. Did you know each other before the band was formed?

Jaiden: No. I’ve only know these guys for about 9 months now. They’re okay I guess.
Brandon: I've known Izzy, little drummer boy, for about two years now as he and I were in a band together previously.I met Jaiden through his offer to Izzy which I was then extended and the chemistry was instant.
Izzy: Jaiden had been asking me to join for quite some time before I finally did and Brandon and I used to play in another band together
4. Each band member favourite band?
Jaiden: Nsync
Brandon: I honestly can't choose a favorite because I love various bands for different reasons.
However, the goal I know I share with the rest of this band is to become my favorite. Whatever we want to see happen in music, we will make happen.
Izzy: New Year’s Day
5. Who or what inspires you to write songs?
Jaiden: Girls as cliche as it sounds.
Brandon: Everything. From hanging around venues, to observing the city, to walks down the street, to local news, to headlines. Obviously relationships and anything in between. A true artist can find inspiration in anything and everything, in my opinion.
6. Where was your last gig?
Brandon: We last played over in Revere, Massachusetts at a neat little place called Sammy's right across from the beach. Beautiful area and the bands were fantastic.
7. Where would you like to play?
Jaiden: Everywhere
Brandon: It could be due to having lived there almost all of my life but I always enjoy playing at the Worcester Palladium.The crowd and staff are always some of the best.
Izzy: My dream is to play wembley arena some day
8. Whom would you like to feature with?
Jaiden: I’m open to touring with anyone. As far as working with it depends on what the project or song calls for. Alex Greggs and JC Chasez are definitely up there for me.
Brandon: I'm going to think of hundreds more tomorrow but I'd say Nikki Sixx or maybe Polyphia, on absolutely anything. As far as the more recent artists, New Years Day have always struck me as some of the nicest individuals so a tour with them would be a blast.
Izzy: Any of my favorite bands: New Year's Day, Korn, Sixx AM, Sevendust, Halestorm, Davey Suicide,Slipknot to name a few
9. Whom not?
Jaiden: As long as someone’s cool to us we’ll be cool to them.
Brandon: I won't name drop as drama leaves a bitter taste in my mouth but any artists that lack work ethic or could potentially harm the people that care about us and our music.
Izzy: There's not really anyone I can think being against it
10. Any of you has ever suffered from stage fright? Any tip for beginners on how to beat that?
Jaiden: Talking on stage hasn’t come naturally to me. It’s definitely something I’m learning and working at. I think I’m far from the typical metal frontman. I try to be myself up there instead of trying to be someone else. Playing is the easy part it’s the space in between songs that stress me out. What’s helped me the most is writing down the basic idea of what I want to say before I go on. Another thing we started doing was having songs transition straight into each other to cut down on having to talk.
Brandon: I never lost my nerves but I've learned to embrace it.The adrenaline and high that every musician chases is part of the stage fright. Much like inspiration for writing the songs, learning to channel it can make the shows feel natural but constantly hyped.
Izzy: I did before our first show together. Don't overthink it it'll kill you
11. What bands have inspired you the most?
Jaiden: I always loved how Funeral For A Friend never seemed to have any limits on what they did. They blended and blurred genres and that’s something I like to think we do on some level.
Brandon: The energy of the 80's bands, the raw sound of the 2005 post hardcore bands, the hype of some of the modern metal bands. Anything we can look at and learn from.
Izzy: New Year’s Day Korn Halestorm Sevendust Motley Crue
12. What's the weirdest thing a fan has ever asked you for?
Jaiden: One of our old cds is black and we were asked to sign it in black despite the fact that you couldn’t read our signatures haha
Brandon: Haha a bit of a bucket list moment but after our set, while I was walking around to mingle and enjoy the next band's set; I was asked to sign a very stoked female's breast. Rock & Roll!
Izzy: Nothing really weird has happened but meeting new fans is always surreal
13. What do you think of your fans?
Jaiden: It’s so strange to think that people can connect with something that I wrote for myself. I want to keep them guessing but never let them down. I’m very grateful.
Brandon: I think anyone that can bang their head along or find something they enjoy about us are the reason we're doing this at all. Without the supporters, we're nothing but dudes in women's clothing and makeup playing angry songs to each other.
Izzy: Love them. It's always so nice and humbling seeing them and meeting them at shows
14. What do you think of our site?
Jaiden: Anything that gives exposure to new unsigned artists is great.
Brandon: I've checked it out and I think it's fantastic because you guys are granting publicity and information about the folks that need it.
Izzy: I dig it! The lay outs really cool
15. Something to add?
Jaiden: Thank you so much for the interview. Our debut album, Passion Over Fashion, comes out October 14th.
Brandon: I'm extremely proud of what we've accomplished as a unit and although I can't say much yet, PLEASE stay tuned if you're intrigued by what you see. Huge things coming…
Izzy: Thank you for all the support from everyone who does support the band. We all appreciate it immensely

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