Originally premiered with The Independent (UK), Boston Manor’s already critically acclaimed debut album "Be Nothing" is now streaming in its entirety prior to its release via Pure Noise Records this Friday. The band are doing a few extra special stripped back acoustic in store performances around the UK this week and a tour supporting Moose Blood kicks off next week, followed by an inaugural visit to North America in support of Like Pacific later in October. Boston Manor have also announced their first full UK and European headline tour, which will be taking place in November and December. Can’t Swim (US) and Wallflower are set to support.
Produced by Neil Kennedy (Milk Teeth, Creeper, More Than Life) and mixed by Kyle Black (New Found Glory, Set Your Goals, All Time Low), "Be Nothing" is a melancholic collection of compositions, reflecting on personal yet relatable experiences, which will have Boston Manor primed to reach a wider audience in the coming months. Listen in stream via Youtube or Soundcloud.
Produced by Neil Kennedy (Milk Teeth, Creeper, More Than Life) and mixed by Kyle Black (New Found Glory, Set Your Goals, All Time Low), "Be Nothing" is a melancholic collection of compositions, reflecting on personal yet relatable experiences, which will have Boston Manor primed to reach a wider audience in the coming months. Listen in stream via Youtube or Soundcloud.
European headline tour w/Can't Swim & Wallflower:
11/11 JH Zenith, Dendermonde (B)
11/12 Winston, Amsterdam (NL)
11/14 MTC, Cologne (D)
11/15 Maze, Berlin (D)
11/16 Ubel And Gefahrlich, Hamburg (D)
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