News: Drummer Darrin Pfeiffer (Goldinger) Balances Music Career with Side Gigs as Radio Host, Sports Blogger

Darrin Pfeiffer, longtime drummer for the SOCAL pop/punk/ska band Goldfinger is showing he’s more than a skin hitter. Turns out Darrin is a hockey nut and is now writing a pre and post game Los Angeles Kings blog for AM 570 Sports (Iheartmedia) called Kings Korner (@kingskorner99).
Darrin already was working as a producer for ALT 98.7 when he transitioned into a sports blogger saying, “It was easy. It was just one floor down. Kept going down there to say hi and finally they offered me a job. Didn’t hurt that I was bugging them about hockey haha”
Also keeping Darrin busy these days is The Dangerous Darrin Show(@Dangerousd_show), an Idobi Radio show that’s gaining popularity. Darrin and his co-host TS keep it light and funny, drinking every episode and talking all things sports, pop culture, music, weed culture and of course…. interviews. Darrin has chatted with Tony Hawk, Chino Moreno, Mike Muir, Keith Morris, Adam Carolla and many others.
Check out The Dangerous Darrin Show here:

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