News: Sound Storm - Vertigo - The Series on Cubik TV

"VERTIGO - The Series" is reality joining Cubik TV! After the recent release of the new album "VERTIGO" and the announcement of a TV/web series in the making, Sound Storm are finally thrilled to announce all the partners involved in the whole work.

Together with Grey Ladder and DImago Cine Stuff, co-producers of the pilot episode, Cubik TV is the partner which will distribute the whole "VERTIGO - The Series"

Cubik TV is the first social - and free - tv platform ever, with a multi-channel list such as series, cinema, music, sport and much more.
Currently you can find the pilot episode of "VERTIGO: Prologue - The Dragonfly" both in the "series" and "music" channel!

The first in-depth article is available on Cubik TV (italian language only - at the moment), many more will follow along with the next episodes of the series!

Check out the first article here, with many details on the series, the production and the connection with the album:

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