News: 'Vicissitudes' a Closing a Chapter for AUTOCATALYTICA

The bubbling cauldron of hellish psychedelic mayhem known as Autocatalytica continue to push the stagnant limits of what “progressive” music means. Staying true to their roots of Strapping Young Lad and The Dillinger Escape Plan, the Brooklyn based quartet has released their second LP, a massive 16-track effort, entitled ‘Vicissitudes’.
“With this record, we went for more of a concise songwriting approach, really trying to hone in on the ideas that drive our songs while trimming the fat,” states the front-man, guitarist, and producer, Eric Thorfinnson. “Ironically that lead to there being more songs here than our previous two records combined, albeit mostly of lesser length” continues drummer, Emmett Ceglia
Each track on the album has an individual flavor and style, but it’s all distinctly Autocat, due in part to Thorfinnson’s consistent and colorful production. They put their full pallet of talents on display while delving deeper into previously uncharted territory, and for a band that already makes its namesake on going where none dare, that’s saying quite a lot.
On Vicissitudes, there’s something for everyone, metal fan or not, and Autocatalytica seem to have struck a dazzling balance of chaos and composure.

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