Interviews: Phoenix' Ashes

In this new occassion we have had the opportunity to interview the Post-Hardcore band Phoenix' Ashes, from Netherlands. Check out this band and give them a like on their FACEBOOK PAGE.

1.Where did you get the idea for the band name, you planned it or came out just like that? 

Phoenix' Ashes was formed out of the remains from a band in which some of us where members. And like the mythological phoenix arises from its own ashes, we did too so. Our name is symbolic for the way we formed, but also for our music and the way we see things change in society these days. It seems that with every struggle society has it is reborn from it's own ashes.

2.Why did you want to play this genre? 

From a young age, most of us where drawn towards louder guitar oriented music. Post-hardcore is such an expressive form of making music. You get to pour your heart out in each of the songs you write, and every performance is lived through the passion and energy that is connected to this style of music. It is honest, from the heart and straight forward and we love that. I can imagine it is much harder to share your views on the state of the world while doing light pop music. Ofcourse it happens. For instance no one knows that the song "vamos a la playa" is about a bombing massacre. The only thing people know it how to sing along the chorus, they don't know what it is about. 

3. Did you know each other before the band was formed? 

Of course some of us where in a band together before, and the members that joined later where people we got to know through touring and friend from the music scene.

4. Each band member favourite band? 

For a lot of us our favourite bands overlap. So if i would have to name the five biggest influences for this band it would be: Funeral for a friend, Thrice, Boysetsfire, Alexisonfire and Falco

5. Who or what inspires you to write songs? 

We get our inspiration from the changing world around us. Even though we know we live a good life and we don't have real issues to complain about, we do realise that there is great inequality in this world. There is those who say that we cannot or should not relate to it because we don't know what real pain and suffering is. But if we can contribute to more awareness that will help create a better and more equal future for all human beings, then we as musicians have a responsibility to at least recognise that we have an influence on other people. So who not use it to do good and inspire change. It's like spiderman: With great power comes great responsibility ;-)

6. Where was your last gig? 

Our last show where actually three shows. For a charity we did three acoustic shows in Hasselt Belgium, which was a first for us. It was incredible challenging but tons of fun to do. You really get to see which of your songs are created from a songwriting perspective and which are created from a riff perspective. I dare to say our songs did pretty well.

7. Where would you like to act? 

We did tours through Europe and Russia, but we have yet to play our first shows in the UK and outside of Europe. But if anyone want to book an eager, willing live beast like us for some shows then we are always in for it.

8. Whom would you like to feature with? 

A couple of our favourite bands have split up last year and we where fortunate to play some shows with them. But We would love to do shows With Thrice. That band created some of the best songs and albums ever. So if you are reading this guys, hook us up! We promise we will make it worth it!

9. Whom not? 

Bands that use metal or hardcore to divide people. Are judge people. Man did not create music to divide us, we create music to unite us. It is ok to be angry, and to use your voice. But it is never ok to blame or judge without contributing to a solution.

10. Any of you has ever suffered from stage fright? Any tip for beginners on how to beat that? 

Take the same energy you get from the rehearsal room and take it on stage. It helps. And if your band is timid in the rehearsal room, then you should play every rehearsal like you are headlining a festival. Enjoy it, live it and rock out. There is no greater gift then playing music in front of people that came and paid to see you play music. Know that they are there for you and your music. Most people in the audience did not came there to judge you, always focus on those who love what you do and be grateful and humble. The audience will get you through your stage fright.

11. What bands have inspired you the most? 

Like we said earlier, we have our favourites, and they all have shown to be hard working genuine nice people. If we can achieve the same impact on other peoples lives like they have had on our lives, then we consider ourselves very fortunate musicians.

12. What's the weirdest thing a fan has ever asked you for? 

I believe it was a visit to a sauna in russia. Which is basically like walking into a brothel. 

13. What do you think of your fans?

We love our fans, they are the reason we play live. I think every band can relate to that. Digitalisation has done a lot for spreading our music, but it will never replace the excitement and gratitude we get from playing a live show.
14. What do you think of our site? 

We love the fact that there are still people that want to spread music because of the passion they have for music. We applaud that, and we think the world needs more platforms like you. Music can change things for the better in this world, because it can move a generation and the endorsement of music through magazines, websites, blogs and social media is essential to create an impact.

15. Something to add?

We release two new songs in the coming weeks, they will be online for free and you can listen to all of our music on spotify, itunes and other music streaming platforms. We would love to hear from you all. Don't be a stranger and show us some love! We'll do the same for you ;-)

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