News: URN New Video, Upcoming Shows, Phenomenal News and More!

URNĀ®, the American dark metal band, have several announcements today the first being that they are honored to be working with Emmy Nominated make-up and special effects artist Cleve Hall for the filming/production of their music video for the song ā€œBlack Widowā€™. Many know Cleve from his own reality show MONSTER MAN on the SyFy Network. Besides creating special effects for films, Mr Hall has worked with bands like KISS, Alice Cooper, Marilyn Manson, Insane Clown Posse, Tenaceous D, and DEVO. URN is currently doing a crowdfunding campaign which is offering up new and rare merchandise items as perks for those who make contributions such as specially commissioned artwork by artist Lydia Burris. URN Crowdfunding

URN also announced today that they are going to be returning to Winter NAMM 2017 in Anaheim, CA. In the past year, the band became officially endorsed artists with Breedlove Guitars, WB Gear, SIT Strings, InTune Picks, and Big Bends Nut Sauce. URN has also been a long endorsed artist with Fryette Amplifiers and the members will be appearing at their respective booths and will also be performing live at these venues in the evenings during the convention: 
Wednesday, January 18 ā€“ Skinnyā€™s/North Hollywood, CA 
Thursday, January 19 ā€“ The Complex/Glendale, CA 
Friday, Saturday 20 ā€“ DiPiazzaā€™s/Long Beach, CA 
Saturday, Saturday 21 ā€“ The Doll Hut/Anaheim, CA

You can also see the band at these dates as well:
Friday, February 17 ā€“ Howl Gallery/Fort Myers, FL 
Saturday, February 18 ā€“ Kryptonite Metal Festival/Miami, FL

Friday, March 2 ā€“ La Papala del Rock/Monterrey, NL, Mexico 
Saturday, March 3 ā€“ El Confessario/Saltillo, CH, Mexico 
Friday, March 17 ā€“ Tir na Nog/Daytona Beach, FL

With everything going on for URN they have still found time to be in the studio the past six months writing new material for their sixth album tentatively entitled Semicolon as well as talking with Thom Hazeart (Ellefson Music Productions) as producer for the album slated for recording later in 2017.

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