Interviews: Saint Apache
In this new occassion we have had the opportunity to interview the Alternative Rock band Saint Apache, from UK. Check out this band and give them a like on their FACEBOOK PAGE.
1.Where did you get the idea for the band name?
Leo: It wasn't an exciting story to be honest! We just liked the word Apache. And we needed a word in front of it to sound cool and catchy! So, we just kept reeling off words and someone ended up saying Saint Apache and it just sounded perfect for some reason!
2.Why did you want to play Alternative Rock?
Thom: With our mix of influences it just seemed to come together as it is. I wouldn't say we are one genre of rock to another as we have elements of a lot.
Luis: We wanted that straight up in-your-face style about us. We all grew up with different genres like punk, grunge, classic rock and in Adams case 70's blue grass space rock fuzzy hair metal...(not everyone's cup of tea). I feel you throw all that in a blender together you get Saint Apache.
3. Did you know each other before you started the band?
Thom: Leo and I knew each other from school and we used to play in a band called No Idea. We still have the recordings of those gigs live that my mum filmed for us
Leo: They are shocking and must only be viewed by us to look how far we came since then!
4. Each band member favourite band?
Luis: Royal Blood
Thom: Every Time I Die
Leo: Buckcherry
Adam: The Beatles
5. Who or what inspires you to write songs?
Thom: It's the world and environment that we live in that inspires me mainly on this new record and on a personal level it's with own life stresses and troubles. But overall I have written about a number of things like love, sex, nature past memories and general feelings I have.
Adam: And partying of course!
Thom: Of course!! A few songs have definitely been about some states i have got in. Like one of our songs called Zooted & Booted!
6. Where was your last gig?
Thom: We just got back from a Belgium tour. So the last gig was a festival on the Sunday called Stati-Rock!! had a massive Lorry with the side curtain open that the bands played on. It was brilliant and the atmosphere was amazing.
7. Where would you like to play?
Luis: A personal ambition of mine is to play Glastonbury! i have been going for a number of years but to play would just be something else!
Leo: Rock In Rio in Brazil or Wacken Festival in Germany. Would be a dream to play a massive festival in another country.
Thom: For me a tour down the East Coast of America is on my bucket list. And also to play Download would be amazing.
Adam: A tour of North America would be something i would really love to do.
8. Whom would you like to feature with in your next album/single/EP?
Leo: An up and coming grime/rap artist called Henney. We met in Eastbourne and we are in the middle of arranging a jam to make a Rock/Grime tune. We just think it would be something different as a single for both parties!
Thom: It's good to open up any avenue to a genre whether it be rap, pop, blues, grime etc. When i see a band mix it up and try something new i think it shows there love for different styles!
Luis: We are an open-minded band and we see a chance to do something different fun and exciting!
9. Whom not?
Leo: Rolf Harris.
Thom: Gary Glitter too. That would be a PR nightmare!
10. Any of you has ever suffered from stage fright? Any tip for beginners on how to beat that?
Thom: I think all of us have at one time or another. All part and parcel of it. I would just say have confidence in yourself, have faith in your own ability and be passionate while giving 110% at every show.
Leo: Or maybe 15 shots of tequila if that doesn't work!
11. What bands have inspired you the most?
Thom: A few bands that have influenced me in some way of form are the likes of Bad Brains, Crass, Every Time I Die, Flux of Pink Indians and Rage Against the Machine to name a few
Adam: The Beatles and Led Zeppelin. John Bonham was a real influence of me wanting to play the drums.
Leo: Guns N' Roses and Bon Jovi i would say. Both bands were massive to me in inspiring me to be better on guitar and make a band with so many great songs like they have. they are my 2 biggest bands that for me showed me the way!
Luis: Qosa, Pearl Jam, Mudhoney, Royal Blood, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, anything with fuzz on the Bass really. Love the sound as grew up with grunge.
12. What's the weirdest thing a fan has ever asked you for after a show?
Thom: There was one person who wanted to shall we say...have their way with me....after a show. But it was a man dressed as a woman.
Leo: Obviously, you said yes
Thom: How can a man resist a bed for the night instead of the floor of the venue!! In all seriousness though...i declined
Luis: All i wanted was you to say yes so we could crash there and i could make myself a cheese sandwich
13. What do you think of your fans?
Thom: Absolute beauts!! We always like to engage with them as much as possible on and off the stage. The energy we get from them is what propels us on stage and fires us up! We love them.
14. What do you think of our site?
Luis: Very informative and we like the amount that you guys cover on it. Been having a look through today and has a mix of a lot of alternative music.. Glad to be involved with it!
15. Something to add?
Thom: Would like to really thank the fans for their continued support. Also the promoters and venues that have put faith in us and booked us throughout the last 18 months. We have made a lot of friends already.
Leo: Thanks to my mum for letting me go on tours and not have to work at the hotel as much! what a great woman!
Luis: The release of the EP is 21/0717. it will be released through all platforms. And we will be playing a town near you soon!!
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