News:GOLD: Optimist Full-Length From Dutch Rock Outfit To See US Release This Friday Via Ván Records; DesertFest Berlin Footage Posted
This Friday marks the official US release of Optimist, the latest full-length from Dutch rock outfit GOLD. Together with producer Randall Dunn (Sunn O))), Earth, Ash Borer, Marissa Nadler), GOLD has put their angular drive, blackened guitar textures, and the composed yet vulnerable vocal delivery of Milena Eva in an even broader context. GOLD has created an almost unlimited space for their unique unity of beauty and cruelty to crush and confuse even more.
Within her lyrics Milena Eva lays bare her insecurities, internal struggles, and self-doubt as a means to reach out and connect; to ultimately inspire acceptance and love of the self, of the known and of the alien.
GOLD's Optimist is out now in Europe via Ván Records. The record will see US release on June 2nd through the label's newly-secured US distribution. For US CD and digital preorders, point your browser HERE.
The band recently played this year's DesertFest Berlin. Watch the stunning performance in full at THIS LOCATION where you can also stream the record in its entirety.
With their nonconformist outsider approach, which the New York Times strikingly defined as, "serenely intense... near-metal," GOLD has managed to find a previously uninhabited spot that is truly their own. To achieve this in the heart of such a densely populated musical landscape, rather than at its outskirts, is the exciting result of intense years of performing and self-reflection. Optimist is an adventurous confirmation of GOLD's reputation as an enthralling band, on stage and on record.
In a recent investigation of the record, Ghost Cult calls Optimist, "one of the best releases this year so far." Invisible Oranges concurs noting, "GOLD is redefining 'mood music'..." Iron Fist writes, "This is a release that is both sinister feeling, yet strangely accessible and will resonate well with fans of the likes of modern goth rock acts Esben And The Witch, as well as fans of The Devil's Blood, with whom they shared members," while Far Beyond Written adds, "Optimist worms its way into the ear, leaving listeners addicted to these intensely gothic tunes, which are destined to be blasted on repeat."
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