Interviews: The Body Politic

In this new occasion we have had the opportunity to interview the  Progressive Metal band The Body Politic, from Canada. Check out this band and give them a like on their FACEBOOK PAGE.

1. Where did you get the idea for the band name, you planned it or came out just like that?

Spencer: The name of the band actually came from a short story by Clive Barker called ‘The Body Politic’. In the story, a man’s hands begin to communicate with each other through touch while he is sleeping. They plot to kill him and amputate themselves to freedom. The band isn’t related to the story – it was just a jumping off point. We knew that a band name takes on a meaning of its own after a band creates an identity, so we didn’t tie too much significance to it. 

2. Why did you want to play this genre?

Spencer: The progressive metal genre appealed to us because it feels like a marriage of two elements of music that we love: high caliber musicianship and aggressive emotion. Most of us went to university to study music, and it’s great to be part of a project where we can really stretch out and take the limits off when it comes to composing. Metal also has to be the most fun of any genre to play live. The energy of the crowd at a metal show is something that we love. 

3. Did you know each other before the band was formed?

Spencer: Matt and I (Spencer) went to high school together and met when the band was formed by our mutual friend Mark Fawdry. We were 14 and 15 years old. We went through a lot of member changes in those early days. When we started attending the music program at VIU, we found Sam and later Dan and Rob. Jesse played in bands around our hometown and was a fan of the band before joining. 

4. Each band member favourite band?

Spencer: Protest The Hero
Matt: Tigran Hamasyan Trio
Rob: Meshuggah
Jesse: Cult of Luna
Sam: Dance Gavin Dance
Dan: The Contortionist

5. Who or what inspires you to write songs?

Spencer: As far as the instrumental composition goes, I think the thing that inspires us most is the musicianship and the composing of the artists we look up to. Artists that push technical boundaries always make us excited to write new music. Sam writes the lyrics, and because he pulls from emotional experiences in his life, his contribution often makes the songs feel more human. He adds an element of cohesion that completes our process. 

6. Where was your last gig?

Spencer: Our last gig was at Vern’s in Calgary, AB. We were on the “No Ragrets” Tour with some of our favourite bands Shark Infested Daughters and Forever Frost. Debauchery always ensues when we are around those dudes, lol. 

7. Where would you like to act?

Matt: Last year a few of us went to see Animals As Leaders, Intervals and Plini at the Commodore Ballroom in Vancouver. The venue was the perfect size and the sound was incredible so I've wanted to play there ever since. 

8. Whom would you like to feature with?

Matt: It would be great to play with any one of our favourite bands, but I think a show with Protest the Hero, The Contortionist, or Periphery would be a great fit. 

9. Whom not?

Matt: I can't think of any bands in particular that we wouldn't want to play with. That being said, I always prefer to play with bands with complimentary styles. I don't think we would sound good opening for somebody like Bruno Mars! 

10. Any of you has ever suffered from stage fright? Any tip for beginners on how to beat that?

Spencer: I think we all get the pre-show jitters once in a while, but I have two ways of calming the nerves that work particularly well for me. The first is simply preparation. The more prepared you are going into a performance, the more confidence you will have. With more confidence, your nerves are less likely to get the best of you. The second is to visualize the performance when your practice it. Literally closing your eyes and imagining you are there in the moment on stage. You will trick your subconscious into believing that you are really giving the actual performance, and by the time you do give the real performance, it will feel like you’ve been there many times before. 

11. What bands have inspired you the most?

Matt: While I'm sure we are all inspired on a musical level by all of the bands listed above, I think some of our biggest inspiration comes from other independent bands. Bands like Ninjaspy, Deadeyes Open and The Perfect Trend (to name a few), all did things that inspired us to work harder. Whether it was a cool light show or an immaculate merch setup, we learned a lot from the bands we've played with. 

12. What's the weirdest thing a fan has ever asked you for?

Spencer: I went to another band’s CD release party once. A girl came running up to me holding the band’s new album and said, “I love your band! Will you sign my CD?!” I politely told her that I wasn’t actually in that band. She said “I know! I just really love The Body Politic!” So I signed the other band’s CD, lol.

13. What do you think of your fans?

Spencer: We have always been extremely grateful for the support our fans give us, and we continue to be, but this album release has made me see our fans in a new way. When a band exists for long enough, it starts to belong to the fans as much as it belongs to the members themselves. I found myself wanting to make our fans proud with this release. People have told us how much our music means to them, and how it has gotten them through very hard times in their lives. I feel like we owe it to those people to put everything we have into the music we make. It’s not just for us anymore, it’s for all of us, the fans included. 

14. What do you think of our site?

Matt: The website is great! I love that you give bands the opportunity to describe their own music and their reasons for making it. I think your “Behind the Artwork” series is particularly cool!

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