Interviews: Patient Sixty-Seven

In this new occasion we have the great opportunity to interview the Metalcore band Patient Sixty-Seven from Australia, follow them on their FACEBOOK PAGE.

1.Where did you get the idea for the band name, you planned it or came out just like that? 

It definitely came about kind of randomly. We were kicking around some band names early on to see what we thought sounded right, we wanted to have something a little different as well.

One of my favourite movies (and to this day still is) ‘Shutter Island’ makes mention of ‘Patient 67’, and the process in uncovering what that all means. It just kind of fitted what we were aiming for, and initially I drew a lot out of the meaning and concepts behind what the name represents in the film.

2.Why did you want to play this genre? 

It’s a really good platform for expressing yourself, and I think the genre of metal…any sort of heavier music, there isn’t any limitations on what works. I think the intensity and energy found in the bands we all love – it plays a huge role in why we all enjoy heavy music and why we perform live.

3. Did you know each other before the band was formed? 

I knew our guitarist Declan from high school. A little while back we started jamming as we were on the lookout for members. I worked with our bassist Andrew and we all knew Rory and Scott from playing shows in Perth.

4. Your favourite band? 

That’s such a tough question because it changes so often. Right now…I’m really enjoying some wonderful Australian bands. For All Eternity recently dropped an incredible album which is getting a huge amount of replay value, and Awaken I Am are another band that recently put out new music I’m really enjoying.

I’m listening to music a lot of the time with my job, so having Spotify on and just going through a playlist there’s always something to like.

5. Who or what inspires you to write songs? 

 I think it used to be more conceptual for me as the vocalist. I’d imagine something in my head and let it kind of form the basis of the lyrics and the song. But you know, on the first songs we released there was soo much inexperience there. Essentially the entire band, it was our first real project. There’s a lot there we would’ve done different in hindsight but that’s always the case especially with inexperience.

I guess what I mean is that I kind of forced the issue with how I was writing lyrics, not really being familiar with how to construct the ideas I had in my head. Since then though, so much has changed. Us as a band – that first EP just taught us lot.

I’m using honest experiences as a stepping stone in which to write lyrics, it’s a lot less about trying to sound a certain way and just worrying about being the most genuine I can be.

6. Where was your last gig? 

The Hen House Live! Floor shows rules.

10. Any of you has ever suffered from stage fright? Any tip for beginners on how to beat that?

I used to be a wreck going on stage, just because it was out of my comfort zone…the best and biggest thing to remember is it’ll take time to become comfortable on stage. You may still always get nervous, it’s a given. But just keep relaxed and be ready to have a bit of fun! The less I get worked up about it, the better headspace I’m in.

11. What bands have inspired you the most? 

I used to love going to Soundwave. Such a showcase for a ton of different bands, playing different music. It was such a standout time of the year, and that extended into attending other festivals and shows. I think being in those moments watching some of the best to do it, ranging from pop punk bands - to some of the heaviest out there…it all culminates. 

Honestly, seeing the best of a live show, and the worst (technical difficulties or a tough crowd) - it helps you get a real perspective for what it is like to perform. 

Specifically, in my later years of high school I would love listening to bands like Blink-182 and All Time Low. Those pop punk/rock bands were so much fun, the energy and charisma around their live shows and music. It’s what made me want to perform myself even if we aren’t quite doing the same music.

12. What's the weirdest thing a fan has ever asked you for? 

Haha, not sure if we’re big enough to have many ‘fans’ - but we have occasionally had some interesting call outs from the crowd while on stage. Our first show was an all ages alcohol-free show, and we had some people off the street walk in and start yelling whatever came to their heads. 
That was a funny first experience with playing live!

13. What do you think of your fans? 

Shoutout to every single person who supports our band. A lot of them are our friends and people we’ve met through the Perth music scene.

I’ll say it as often as I can - it means the world.

14. What do you think of our site? 

Awesome! So good to see there’s platforms for helping to promote bands from all over the globe. Props.

15. Something to add?

Thanks for taking the time to interview us! Check out our new single ‘Before You Go’ on Spotify. 

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