Interviews: Our Time Is Now

In this new occasion we have had the opportunity to interview the  Post-Hardcore/Pop Punk  band Our Time Is Now from UK. Check out this band and give them a like on their FACEBOOK PAGE.

1.Where did you get the idea for the band name, you planned it or came out just like that?  

I think the name came through playing in different bands for a long time before OTIN was formed and then taking everything we had learned to make this new band the time when everything would come together and click.  

2.Why did you want to play this genre? 

Our genre is just a mash up of everything we all listen to, a little bit of pop punk, hardcore, metal and more. This way we all end up playing a style that we are all happy with and it also opens up opportunities to play with varied styles of bands which we love!   

3. Did you know each other before the band was formed?  

Stuart and Ryan have known each other going all the way back to childhood, Sam and Nick came to the party when our previous bassist decided to move on so ryan moved the guitar and we got a new bassist and drummer instead. Everything worked right away and we feel that we are playing better than ever.  

4. Each band member favourite band?  

Stuart - Fall out boy is for me! 

Sam - I think Neck deep are great. 

Nick - Classic You me at six fan boy. 

Ryan - I grew up listening to Iron maiden and they are still a big inspiration for me.  

5. Who or what inspires you to write songs?  

Any certain important situations you find yourselves in help when writing songs, that way when you have played them far too many times live they are still important to you and have meaning.  

6. Where was your last gig?  

Our last gig was headlining in London. It was the first time playing in Kingston and was an amazing experience. We gained some new fans and met some great people, can you ask for more?  

7. Where would you like to act?  

We would love to get on a show at the LCR in Norwich. It is a venue we grew up going to watch the bands we love play and would be a dream come true to play there ourselves.  

8. Whom would you like to feature with?  

Creeper would be a great band to play alongside! they are making huge strides and watching them grow and represent a unique style of british rock music is great to see.  

9. Whom not?  

Perhaps Cannibal corpse may not be the best suit for us..  

10. Any of you has ever suffered from stage fright? Any tip for beginners on how to beat that?  

I think we all used to get more nervous than we do now because mainly because now we are more experienced and can deal with most situations that are thrown at us when you go to play live. As far as advice goes, i would say practice, practice, practice! You will make mistakes but by playing loads together you will iron out the kinks and gain natural chemistry.  

11. What bands have inspired you the most?  

Ryan - Playing wise Metallica have been a big influence. 

Nick - You me at six were one of the earlier bands i listened to so perhaps them. 

Sam - Any bands from the Tony hawks pro skater soundtrack! 

Stuart - Fall out boy were who got me into rock music so i started learning some of their songs when i started playing an instrument.  

12. What's the weirdest thing a fan has ever asked you for?  

Never really had anything too crazy on this front.. come on people step it up!..  

13. What do you think of your fans?  

We have plenty of time for anyone who checks out our music and gives us a chance.  

14. What do you think of our site?  

It is fantastic! It is awesome the exposure you continually give to upcoming bands.  

15. Something to add? 

Our music is available on all platforms (spotify,amazon,itunes etc..) and add us up on facebook, instagram and the like. Thank you!

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