Interviews: Octalux

In this new occasion we have had the opportunity to interview the  Rock band Octalux from USA. Check out this band and give them a like on their FACEBOOK PAGE.

1. Where did you get the idea for the band name, you planned it or came out just like that? 

Hurley: I had this idea for a musical project and me and a friend were sitting around drinking trying to come up with a name and when we woke up the next day, Octalux was written on a piece of paper, neither of us recall who came up with it.  

Chase: I joined after the band was already established, but I believe a friend of Hurley's came up with the name.  

Brent: idk they found me on Craigslist     

2. Why did you want to play this genre?  

Hurley: it’s rock’n’roll, it’s passion, energy, conviction. It’s not lazy and complacent, it’s in your face, getting into the listeners soul and taking that souls for a cathartic ride and hopefully cleaning out some of the messy residual hang ups that life and emotions and personal scars leave behind and hopefully helping heal those. We sing about standing up for yourself, chasing your dreams no matter what they are or the cost, we sing about truth.   

Chase: Because we all love rock n roll.  

Tony: This is what I do.   

Brent: Cause it's rock n roll bitches  

3. Did you know each other before the band was formed?   

Hurley: I knew of Tony, but I don’t think we’d ever spoken, Chase and I were at the same KISS concert, but didn’t know each other and as for Brent, I’m still not sure he’s from this planet because of he’s never jaded and has a very pure heart and most ppl from earth aren’t like that  

Chase: Yes and no hahaha.  

Tony: Yes, Chase and Hurley.   

Brent: I didn't know a soul yet       

4. Each band member favourite band?   

Hurley: mine is KISS, they inverted basically everything and if they didn’t, they perfected it and thy don’t get the credit they deserve.  

Chase: Hurley, Tony, and Brent.  

Tony: Zep  

Brent:  I'm the only one that likes grunge music      

5. Who or what inspires you to write songs?   

Hurley: situations, sparks of creativity. I’ve never been one to be all “I write 3 songs a day”, I think that just leads to drab bullshit and you lose your standards for what a good song is to meet the arbitrary quota. Looking at and experiencing the world is enough to drive the mind and move the pen to paper for me.  

Chase: We all write. It's all a collaboration.  

Tony: Creating something   

Brent: bands from the 90s       

6. Where was your last gig?   

Hurley: it was last September at the Outlands Rock Festival w/ Smile Empty Soul and Tantric, we purposely decided to take off for the holidays and record “Noize in the Blood”, we had a few more shows scheduled, but we had a few emergency situations come up and had to nix those to our chagrin. We hate canceling anything.  

Chase:  Lexington, KY  

Tony: I don't remember    

7. Where would you like to act?   

Hurley: We’d love to hit Australia, Japan and the UK for sure. Especially the UK and Europe in general as the rock community is alive and well there and not as fickle as the US.  

Chase: The entire World  

Tony: Anywhere and everywhere  

Brent: fucking Hollywood       

8. Whom would you like to feature with?   

Hurley: we’re happy to play with any band any time. Music isn’t a competition, but when a band you’re on the bill with is killin it, it makes you wanna bring your best as well.  

Chase: Oh man. That list is way too long but I'm sure that KISS, Stone temple pilots, Alice In Chains, and Metallica would all make our individual lists in some order.  

Brent: Bush Or STP       

9. Whom not?   

Hurley: there’s not a band we wouldn’t play with, unless they’re not good their fans, and sadly that happens. But if we were offered the opportunity to play with a band like that, I know we would treat their fans right.  

Chase: Justin Bieber   

10. Any of you has ever suffered from stage fright? Any tip for beginners on how to beat that?  

Hurley: haha, no, we’re way to ready to be loud and on stage to be scared.  As for tips, well that’s easy, as a performer  on the stage, you have to know that everyone in the world wants to be in stage, the center of attention maybe just one time in their lives and they are there to see or experience you so you have to be everything their mind expects, you have to the star. The stage is a sacred ground and the opportunity to be on it is for yourself obviously, but also for all the greats that have ever been on stage, all the friends that may have passed that don’t have that opportunity any more, all the young and old you get to inspire to chase their passions. You owe it to everyone to be your best while you’re on it. Focus on doing it for others if your nerves get to you and that’ll get you through!  

Chase:  Not to my knowledge.  Smoke a doobie?  

Tony: No  

Brent: know your material practice and have a beer before you go on to ease the edge off       

11. What bands have inspired you the most?        

Hurley: KISS  

Chase Me personally: KISS, Alice Cooper, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Sabbath. I could go all day.  

Tony: Zep, early Metallica,  Sabbath   

Brent: Helmet,Alice In Chains,Bush,silverchair I could go on      

12. What's the weirdest thing a fan has ever asked you for?   

Hurley: I’ll just say “adult favors” with them and some of their friends.  

Chase: To sign a baby  

Tony: To sign their shoes  

Brent: sign his arm and get it tattooed so I said sure man       

13. What do you think of your fans?   

Hurley: they are the best, when they’re singing the words to a song you wrote in your head in a drive thru ok your phone, you see it in their eyes. They’re having a good time and that pleasure is from something you created in your soul. So in essence it’s the exchange of energy on a spiritual/ astral/ supernatural level that takes place and when I get to connect with a person like that it’s amazing. Fans always pick you up when you may be down or feeling one way or the other but their enjoyment always grounds and humbles me and I love that.  

Chase: We LOVE them!  

Tony: I have fans?  

Brent: hope they dig it.
14. What do you think of our site?   

Hurley: I think it’s great!  

Chase:  It's awesome and we're very appreciative of what you guys do!  

Brent: radtastic 🤘🏻      

15. Something to add?  

Hurley: Our new EP “Noize in the Blood” is coming out very soon and we just put out the first single from it “Doomsday Cupid” check it out.

Chase: Don't let your meatloaf  

Brent: bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks  

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