Track By Tracks: Meat Train - Random Acts Of Carnage (2018)

1. Random Acts Of Carnage:

The opening riff of this song is pure and filthy death metal,a great slab of downtuned heaviness.

This is about the saying 'pay it forward'. Instead of doing a good deed and getting rewarded later, kind of karma, it's based on the theory that life is cruel, so totally indiscriminately perform a random act of carnage against someone that's in fact an actual stranger to you. Prepare it, execute it; totally randomly, just go out and do your random act. Without prejudice, you know? Nothing personal. This song has it all - death,blasts,staccato riffs, a bit of punk and a groove laden piece of heavy riffing to see it out.

2. Handle With Caer:

We love a killer story, but a cannibal killer? That's just perfect subject matter.  No, that's not a typo in the title, this the tale of the Caerphilly Cannibal. This Welsh killer decided he fancied a feast. All that murder made him hungry. Grind and death metal blended together, like a great meal so to speak! Ha Ha!

3. Eat Or Be Eaten:

Again we love a cannibalistic, based on survival in a post apocalyptic world, when the realisation dawns on you that your meal is probablybe going to be you or your mate. Tough choice! Ha Ha! Make it and eat it. Choose the right dressing though. I hear if you sprinkle an ear with paprika it's simply delicious. Slow and heavy before the death metal speed kicks you into oblivion.

4. Redneck Zombies:

We at Meat Train love a Zombie story and what better Zombies to write a song about than Redneck Zombies who love the taste of human flesh - but more specifically barbecue human flesh! That banjo intro - simply wonderful, courtesy of our very own master chef, Chas. Throw another limb on the barbie mate. Delicious!

5. Orchards Of Death:

Written about the killing fields of Cambodia, of which there were many, but most notoriously those of Phnom Penh and the prison S21. Mass genocide as per the vision of Pol Pot who wanted to create a country based on being a collective and ordered the murder of, I believe, a third of the population of his country. Education was frowned upon and doctors or educated people were eradicated on a large scale by the Khymer Rouge. I wrote this when I visited Cambodia and visited these killing fields which were actually an orchard. Very harrowing and the experience was deeply upsetting and dark. No-one was safe from this disgusting despot and his regime. He actually died under house arrest in his home village instead of being put in prison for his heinous reign of genocide. Short,heavy and relentless.

6. Fear The Machine:

Its frightening just how much people share their lives willingly online and how easy it is for anyone or anything to gain intimate knowledge of you and even your family. Those ads that pop up on your pages or devices? All AI which has learned about you. How easy is it for someone to just turn up on your door or at your regular leisure activities? Essentially this is about machines, or more accurately, computers taking over everything. Science fiction or very real? You decide.

7. Stop Killing All The Whores:

What harm do working girls do? Come on, really. So this is about the killers of them. A song about a killer or killers of the ladies of the night. Why target these women? Surely there are far more worthy targets? A Meat Train tongue in cheek song, so don't think we're promoting killing anyone or anything. That riff at the end, I'd buy that for a dollar.

8. Wolf:

Imagine if the animals ruled the world - so instead of us humans caging and domesticating animals they suddenly became the apex predators, the masters of the world and instead of humans having control suddenly we became the hunted,the controlled - the food on their plates becomes human flesh. We are the caged. It's our twist on the world and reversal of roles between the ultimate predator (humans) and animals. Would the world be a better place? One thing's certain thoug,h we need to respect this place we inhabit instead of destroying it.

9. Saviour:

Religion religion religion - open to interpretation, misinterpretation,abuse and respect. One of the biggest causes of suffering, war, pain and death but also the bringer of love, harmony and respect. What does it mean to us as individuals? Do you seek solace and love or do you seek to enforce it's interpretations against others who hold different values? Along with politics a massive divider of people of all cultures.Plenty of riffing going on here a kind of death/thrash feel to it. Riffs for all!

10. Insubordinate:

Some people want to see the world burn, others do not. The rules of society and laws. Freedom, repression,rebellion and ignorance. Which suits everyone, if anyone? We're all individuals. What is the answer? Anarchy !!?? The truth is without laws or rules society would not exist. Someone will always want to be top dog and impose themselves and their ways. Don t hurt anyone or anything is surely the most important thing. Express yourself but not at the expense of others. A slow burner which builds with the heavy riffs to the frantic mid section . Awesome and very heavy.

11. Block 11:

We decided to close the album with the most controversial song on the album. The video is awesome and I think it helps to clarify the lyrical content. Written about one of the most truly horrific acts of genocide ever by the most disgusting regime ever. Written by myself after I visited Auchwitz and it truly affected me. It was dark and horrific and brought such a mixture of feelings to me - from disgust to rage, anger to horror and sorrow. It shouldnt have happened, it should never happen again and this truly horrific place should serve to remind us all, as human beings, that peace and harmony should be our priority. Treat everyone as your equal.

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