Interviews: Defining Lines
In this new occassion we have had the opportunity to interview the Metalcore band Defining Lines from UK. Check out the interview and this band on their FACEBOOK PAGE.
1.Where did you get the idea for the band name, you planned it or came out just like that?
Michael (Vocals) - Originally Me and Greg (Drummer) were in a band called Defining Lines but that never left the practice room. I quite like the name as it's a bit different to your average Metal-core band. So this is the second coming of Defining Lines.
Arron (Lead Gtr) - we were throwing band names around for a long time. One of the band names we came up with ended up being the title to one of our songs from our EP. We decided to stick with Defining Lines because we all thought it sounded different, and we think its suits our sound the most.
Micky (Rhythm Gtr) – The name was pretty much decided as I joined the band. There was a brief indecisive period where we were going to change it but we ended up agreeing we were happy.
2.Why did you want to play this genre?
Michael (Vocals) - Because I'm not a good enough singer to be in a pop punk band.
Arron (Lead Gtr) - I have been listening to Metal-core for a long long time. I think this has helped me a lot with my writing process. I am able to channel inspiration from many different bands that I have listened to over the years and turn that into our own sound.
Micky (Rhythm Gtr) – It’s just the most fun to play. I love a lot of different genres but metal-core can have so much energy and convey a lot of different emotions.
3. Did you know each other before the band was formed?
Michael (Vocals) - I knew Micky T, Riki and Greg. But all in different social groups. I managed to bring everyone together.
Arron (Lead Gtr) - I literally didn't know anyone before the band was formed. This version of Defining Lines was started by Michael, Me, Greg, and the old Rhythm guitarist (Who i knew before the band started).
Micky (Rhythm Gtr) – I just knew Michael. I’d stopped playing guitar for a couple of years and one day realised how much I missed it, put a status up on social media and Michael messaged telling me to come audition as they needed a guitarist. He said audition but I never I actually got a “you got the job” I just got invited to the next practise and here we are…
4. Each band member favourite band?
Michael (Vocals) - The Blackout or Letlive
Arron (Lead Gtr) - Architects, Polaris, Killswitch Engage. The list goes on. Its hard to choose just 1.
Micky (Rhythm Gtr) – Right now it’s a toss-up betweenArchitects, Bury Tomorrow and While She Sleeps.
5. Who or what inspires you to write songs?
Michael (Vocals) - Usually past events or situations friends / family have been in.
Arron (Lead Gtr) - Inspiration. If I try and force a song to come out, it is easily noticeable by how terrible it is. The guys will usually tell me when I have written something that sounds forced. Just like they will tell me when I have written an absolute banger.
Micky (Rhythm Gtr) – I’m just Arron’s muse really.
6. Where was your last gig?
Santiago Bar in Leeds
7. Where would you like to act?
Michael (Vocals) - I would love to play at the Underworld in Camden or Leeds fest
Arron (Lead Gtr) - In the near future, I would love to play Satans Hollow in Manchester. The circle stage is funky as hell and I've been to some great gigs there. My bigger goals would probably be somewhere like the Ritz in Manchester. Great venue.
Micky (Rhythm Gtr) – It would be Download Festival for me.
8. Whom would you like to feature with?
Michael (Vocals) - Either vocalist from The Blackout
Arron (Lead Gtr) - Sam Carter from Architects would be mad.
Micky (Rhythm Gtr) – As copying Arron wouldn’t be original I’d say Loz from While She Sleeps.
9. Whom not?
Michael (Vocals) - Me
Arron (Lead Gtr) - Michael Aveyard.
Micky (Rhythm Gtr) – Defining Lines have no beef, we don’t want any.
10. Any of you has ever suffered from stage fright? Any tip for beginners on how to beat that?
Michael (Vocals) - Alcohol
Arron (Lead Gtr) - Trust your fellow band mates. If you don't trust them, you will always be nervous. Also Alcohol like Michael said. Alcohol helps.
Micky (Rhythm Gtr) – Our first show was the most nerve wracking, none of us really knew what to expect. But like Arron said, trust the band mates and you’ll be fine. If the nerves are that bad don’t look anyone in the audience dead in the eye for too long.
11. What bands have inspired you the most?
Michael (Vocals) - For me its got to be The Blackout. Absolutely loved the energy and dedication they showed. The style of their music also massively influences the way I write.
Arron (Lead Gtr) - The bands that actually inspired me to play the guitar were Avenged Sevenfold and Guns N Roses. More so nowadays it is bands like Architects, While She Sleeps, As I lay dying etc.
Micky (Rhythm Gtr) – Growing up it was the old school metal bands: Metallica, Iron Maiden and Slayer. To me they’re the ones that stand the test of time.
12. What's the weirdest thing a fan has ever asked you for?
Michael (Vocals) - Just being asked to sign a CD was mad enough.
Arron (Lead Gtr) - What he said.
Micky (Rhythm Gtr) – Yeah so far being asked to sign a CD is weird for us.
13. What do you think of your fans?
Michael (Vocals) - All 8 of them are marvellous. I'm joking. They're allowing us to play shows and have nights that I've dreamed of for years.
Arron (Lead Gtr) - People are very supportive of what we are trying to achieve. They seem to see our potential maybe a bit more than we do sometimes. You can't really ask for more.
Micky (Rhythm Gtr) – They’re incredible and a credit to the scene. Without even asking a lot of them are actively promoting our music and upcoming gigs. We can’t thank them enough for that.
14. What do you think of our site?
It's a great way to showcase up and coming bands and give them an outlet!
15. Something add?
Check out our debut ep: As Our Souls Depart. Available on Spoify, Apple Music, Deezer etc.
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