Behind The Artworks: Ars Onirica - I. Cold (2019)

It’s the result of the work of many people. The face in the cover is an adaptation of a painting from a great artist called Cristiano De Matteis, I have the original one at home. I choose it because it gives me the idea of a person at the window looking outside in a cold winter night thinking about his sorrow without finding a way to ease it... the same feeling that I've been through lately. Some of the pics that you find in the booklet are captured by me during a travel to Sedlec Ossuary in Kutna Hora; it’s the same place that you find in the artwork of the Diabolical Masquerade album “Nightwork”, a magical place that every doomster must visit once in a lifetime; some other pics are taken in Italy in a region that I really love called “Abruzzo”. The abandoned place in the back cover was captured by my friend Paola Vita here in Italy, in a place near to Rome called Ciciliano. All that stuff has been assembled in a unique and elegant way by Sergio Monfrinotti aka Adhiira Art; he made a great work that really transmits a sense of cold.

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