On this new occasion, we have had the opportunity to interview the Brutal Death Metal/Grindcore band, NARCISSISTIC NECROSIS, from Canada. Check out the interview and follow the band on their FACEBOOK PAGE.

1.Where did you get the idea for the band name, you planned it or came out just like that?

The song is inspired by the track “Narcissus Narcosis” by Marilyn Manson. The name was named “Narcissistic Necrosis” to reflect how society is disintegrating away from narcissism.

2.Why did you want to play this genre?

The band doesn’t necessarily stick to one genre or subgenre. We are rather a mix of multiple subgenres of extreme metal. We don’t stick to one because we don’t want to limit ourselves as a band.

3. Did you know each other before the band was formed? 

No, the band was formed in late 2014 by William Bigcrow as a one man project. It didn’t become a band with a full line up until February 2020.

4. Each band member favourite band?

“Jaden McLean’s favorite band is Nile. Jayden Walker’s favorite band is Slayer. William Bigcrow’s favorite band is Marilyn Manson. Mike Jones favorite band is Exodus.”

5. Who or what inspires you to write songs? 

Lyrically, the songs are inspired by movies and philosophy for the most part. Musically, the song are inspired by grindcore and death metal bands.

6. Where was your last gig? 

We have yet to play a gig as a live band. But William plays bass and does vocals in dethgod. Their last gig was at the end of February prior to Covid shutting down live shows.

7. Where would you like to act? 

We’d love to play Dickens Pub as a band. It’s our favorite local venue in Calgary.

8. Whom would you like to feature with? 

Really like and admire what the dudes from Widow’s Peak, Detherous, and Wasted Heretics. Would love to do a split with any of those bands.

9. Whom not? 

We don’t have anything personal against any one or any band. But there will be no RNB, Country, or Reggae collaborations happening anytime soon.

10. Any of you has ever suffered from stage fright? Any tip for beginners on how to beat that? 

No, not that we are aware of. William, the frontman of the band, has been performing in front of audiences since the age of

It’s become a second nature for most of us. The best tip we can give is to believe in yourself and your music. Be confident and most importantly, be yourself.”

11. What bands have inspired you the most? 

Every band inspires me in one way or the other. If you go to a music festival and watch every band, its hard not to feel inspired. Local bands inspire us more than the bigger more well-known bands do.

12. What's the weirdest thing a fan has ever asked you for? 

Long ago at a Dethgod show, a fan asked William to sign a copy of the band’s setlist.

13. What do you think of your fans? 

Friends and family. All the fans we consider our friends and family.

14. What do you think of our site? 

It’s our kind of website. It’s a huge honor and great privilege to be featured on the website. It’s a great place to discover new bands and music.

15. Something add? 

Thank you to all our friends and family for the undying support. We are super proud that our debut album is releasing August 28th. We can’t wait to get back to playing live shows. Keep an eye out on our socials for any merchandise.

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