Interviews: Red Maker
This is a new interview with the Indie Pop/Rock band Red Maker from the USA. Check out the entire interview and give them a follow on their FACEBOOK PAGE.
1. Where did you get the idea for the band name, you plan it or came out just like that?
It was just an odd name of all the other odd names we were looking at, Red Maker
became the one we landed on just because it was the only one we didn’t disagree on.
2. Why did you want to play this genre?
We’ve really enjoyed this new wave of indie and surf music happening right now. Really
fun and catchy bands like The Skeggs, Surf Curse, Airship Caravan, all of them. When a
newer style kind of comes around there’s a lot of room to grow yet and to try new things
and we wanted to hop on that bandwagon and see what we can add. So basically we’re
just huge fans that want to try and add our touch to the whole scene.
3. Did you know each other before the band was formed?
Yes. Everyone in the band was a former jam partner with Sam our drummer and at some
point, he sat us all in a room together and it just fit so well.
4. Each band member's favorite band?
Mine would definitely be anything Dax Riggs has done, if I were to speak for the boys I’d
say probably some group like 98 Degrees.
5. Who or what inspires you to write songs?
Life in its entirety really inspires me, tough times, good times, douchebags that know how
to crawl under your skin, and lovers that make you feel life like no other. Experiencing life
as it comes really inspires all of us.
6. Where was your last gig?
Our last gig was in Omaha Nebraska. We and all of the crowd had gotten rained out of an
outdoor show so we all sweated out inside but they were good to us and all of our
technical problems.
7. Where would you like to perform?
We really are willing to take on anything that comes our way. If Madison Square ever
needs an opener or something we try as best as we can to squeeze it into the calendar but
you got to pick up on us quick because we’re always doing new shit.
8. Whom would you like to perform with?
If we could perform with bands like NWA, Cliff Burton era Metallica, The Doors, or Insane
Clown Posse that’d be hella dope, none of them have answered our calls lately tho. I think
they’re all busy at the moment.
9. Who not?
That’s an even better question. Man, I’d never want to share the stage with someone like
Bon Jovi, Kendrick Lamar, The Boss, basically, anything artists that hate their fans like
those guys do. With the Lip Syncing, overcharging. Or when Kendrick tricked his white fan
into dropping the N-bomb just to embarrass her in front of everyone. How fucked up is that? I’d never want to share the stage with assholes like that. Even though Kendrick’s
raps slap and I’m sure he’d probably lyrically murder me if he ever heard this, yeah
that was fucked up what he did.
10. Have any of you ever suffered from stage fright? Any tip for beginners on how to beat
I think it’s less stage fright and more excitement that reaches the point of anxiety.
And the answer to that is easy, just drink and smoke your problems away. It works every
time and it has zero long-term effects.
11. What bands have inspired you the most?
We steal from so many people it’s hard to narrow it down. But I always go with the Beatles
for us. They were so diverse and so experimental and had everybody contributing so
heavily. We’ve always applied those things and really felt like they kind of gave us
permission to do those things.
12. What's the weirdest thing a fan has ever asked you for?
I had a dude ask me to get him laid, it has yet to get weirder than that which means we just
haven’t hit the road near enough.
13. What do you think of your fans?
I think the world of them, the tens and tens of them out there keep us going and we greatly
appreciate everything they’ve done for us. The fan base is small but mighty.
14. What do you think of our site?
You’re letting us on to talk our shit. So I’d say y’all are the fucking bomb.
15. Something to add?
Follow us on all socials, we’re under the name @redmakerband. We’ve got a new album
coming soon so make sure to keep an eye open for that. Hugs and kisses!
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