Track By Tracks: Greber - Fright Without (2022)
This is definitely the flagship song. Musically it’s all over the fucking place and was
definitely one of the weirder compositions on the record. So weird that we were like: “yup,
let’s open the record with this one” after it had been suggested. Might as well dive right in
and get it out of the way. Lyrically it encompasses the vibe of the album by smearing our
mortal selves into an obscure medium and letting nature take its course. The transcendence
of trash and the might of recklessness was the line I had written when I started writing it. A
line that doesn’t appear in the song. Hmmm.
2. Aging Debt:
Don’t let the title fool you. We are still completely insolvent from our past
musical endeavors. Oh, wait. This was the first one that we had in the can of the group. A
dirty diaper of a tune. Grabbing everything that wished we hadn’t let go. Lyrically it’s a
collective angry letter to our childhood selves. Outlining the Karen-eque maladies that can
drown everything else out if allowed to do so.
3. Fabricated Purpose:
Honestly, this is my best attempt at Masakari worship. The beginning
hits the mark but invariably comes off the rails towards the end. The end needed something
special and we’ve always been huge fans of all that is Kevin Keegan. He was kind enough to
lend his golden voice to the track and we couldn’t possibly be more chuffed. When I sent Kurt
the song he asked if it was Danko Jones on that part. I told him wasn’t but was stoked that he
knew who Danko was. The outro has some atmospheric drones courtesy of Sean Pearson.
4. Into Silence:
This song is well above either of our abilities playing wise so I’m sure we’ll never
rock it live, thank Christ. Just a blasting of riffs and drums and pain. Nice. As far as a lyrical
theme goes it’s just a portrait scaling the finer points of dissociation. Steve is just full-on,
triple E, BEEEST mode on this number.
5. Bush Cord of Entrails:
This one we wrote mostly at our jam hall. Just a nice raging slab of
Neanderthal-fuelled numbskullery. Bush Cord is a song about missing someone who’s left you
and harkening back to the memories that you’ve shared together and expressing them in a
less than healthy way.
Another bit of a weird one. Larkinitis was written fairly quickly and felt like a
great way to end the first side of the vinyl or be right in the middle of the CD or digital
version. A little breath of sorts. There’s a little bit of guitar in this one so fucking shame on us
for that I suppose. Luckily it was mostly played by our good friend Mathieu Vilandre. The dude
is a talent powerhouse and I miss hanging out with him dearly. Ironically, the song is about a
French Canadian animator named Daniel Larkin. Vil showed me a video that is based on his
life. I won’t spoil any more.
7. Dark Corners:
The full title for this was Darker Corners of the Ridiculous Canadian
Experiment but the FATCATS over at no funeral demanded that we shorten it to entice a
wider audience. We taking selling out seriously so, naturally, we folded like a cheap suit.
Essentially this is a song about people in power, wherever they are, whomever they seem to
gravitate towards being water-head goons and I’m never quite sure why that is.
8. Rats of Subversion:
We put this one together pretty early on in the writing stage. It got
played live for a while too. Just a slow and sludgy beer spiller of a tune. The stripped-down
premise of this one is: “Lies in. Lies out”. Play around with the truth and eventually, you get
some sort of infestation that you’d wished you’d avoided. No such luck. Bam. Rats.
9. Nosebleed:
As well, this one is a bit all over the place. Maybe TOO all over the place
perhaps. We dig it nonetheless. Topically....and orally....this one is just a reckoning with the
fact that we are all closer to death than we can ever imagine. Either that or further than we
can imagine. The nug of bullshit that I’m getting at is that few people are ever aware of the
fact that they are doing something for the last time. The last time is just the last time and
then whatever it is you were doing, ends. Life. Your car. Your hair. Your friends. Just love the
shit out of as much as you can throughout the current nightmare you’re
experiencing. There I go pontificating again.
10. Tree Carving:
As Robert MeKee proclaimed in Charlie Kaufman’s “Adaptation” - “Wow them in
the end, and you got a hit. You can have flaws, and problems, but wow them in the end, and
you've got a hit.”
Well, hopefully, the listener is wowed with this short rager of a song and this record is a
Lyrically it’s a trifecta of three paths with four souls hosting many regrets and no foreseeable
way to undo it all.
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