Band Biographies: Violet Blend
Violet Blend is an Italian alternative metal band, featuring extraordinary vocals, rich sonic power, and unbridled
energy. Founded in 2014, Giada Celeste Chelli (vocals and piano) was joined by Michel Agostini (drums), and next,
Ferruccio Baroni (bass), and Daniele Cristellon (guitar), in Florence, Italy. Known for culture and fine art, many
believe this city was the birthplace of The Renaissance, and while famously populated, its musical community is
ironically lean and tight-knit. Therefore, it is not surprising that these four talented musicians knew each other
long before the release of their debut album White Mask, which received high praise from audiences and critics,
both locally and abroad.
This kind of meteoric rise to celebrity is often launched by some sort of scholastic acclaim, and it is interesting to
note that band members of Violet Blend earned degrees, or have been named members of the faculty, at some of
the most prestigious institutions in Italy. As for the music more specifically, Violet Blend do not simply write and
perform “catchy songs,” but rather, they make haunting and glorious musical portraits that personify beauty,
discontent, passion, and rage. The White Mask record exposed the fallacy of using social media to represent “the
self,” and the new album, Demons, continue the journey by moving the focus to the more personal, internal
mechanism we use to make our own tragic masks. We do this to represent ourselves favorably to others, and our
fragile, raw truths remain fatally hidden. Still, the glory is the crucial moment we decide to unveil. Not for others.
For us. For the sake of the soul.
Violet Blend is an awe-inspiring female-fronted band that makes us measure our internal landscape differently.
Demons is an exciting record with something for everyone, from the superlative vocal to the rhythm chops that
seem to echo the true pulse of the world. Are you ready to join them in this? Are you fired up now? Are you ready
to rock?
Demons by Violet Blend was released worldwide on April 1, 2022, via Eclipse Records.
Facebook: @violetblend @eclipserecords
Twitter: @violetblend @eclipserecords
Instagram: @violetblend @eclipserecords
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