Behind The Artworks: Mourning - Disenlightenment (2022)
The border art was created by Tokyo based artist Le Hérisson d’Or, who has been trained in the technique of medieval illuminated miniatures. We commissioned her to do the art based on her previous works on her Instagram profile @medievalpainter. We discussed the themes of the record, one being of empires collapsing, which led to the art taking inspiration from the book of Revelations, the city of Babylon falling into ruin. Ben and myself then edited the art to our tastes, inverting the colour scheme and changing the centre art to a piece from a medieval french tapestry, depicting the demons of the apocalypse inhabiting the ruined Babylon. The original art by Le Hérisson d’Or will be used as an alternative cover for the black friday edition of the LP available from Streets of Hate records webstore 11/25.
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