Track By Tracks: Grandiosa Muerte - Egregor (2023)

1. Mercurio:

"Mercurio" is a tribute to the teachings of Hermetism, an ancient philosophical and spiritual traditionthat emphasizes the importance of inner knowledge and self-transformation. The lyrics make reference to the Kybalion, a book that expounds on the principles of Hermetic philosophy, and to Hermes Trismegistus, the legendary figure who is said to have originated these teachings. Also related to the Emerald Tablet, this text attributed to Hermes Trismegistus, is also mentioned, as it contains the famous phrase "as above, so below," which encapsulates the idea that the microcosm reflects the macrocosm and vice versa. The teachings are summarized in the 7 laws of the Kybalion: Mentalism, Correspondence, Vibration, Polarity, Rhythm, Cause-Effect, and Gender. Through these references, the song suggests that the path of Hermetism can lead to a profound understanding of the universe and oneself, and ultimately to enlightenment.

2. Destino:

"Destino" is a reflection on the rich cultural heritage of the Mayan people, specifically the spiritual beliefs and practices, where the Nahuales (beings with both human and animal traits) play a prominent role in Mayan mythology and the Nahual “Ajpu” (The Warrior) is the main character of the song. “Destino” is a ritual that alludes to the Mayan spiritual world, a complex and interconnected realm that is described in texts such as the Popol Vuh. The cycle of corn is part of the lyrics concept, referring to the central role of agriculture in Mayan culture which was believed to be a gift from the gods. The Warrior in the song is ready to "hunt the conquistadors," alluding to the violent and traumatic encounters between the Mayan people and the Spanish colonizers. Through these references, the song celebrates the resilience and endurance of the Mayan people, and encourages the listener to appreciate the richness and complexity of their culture.

3. Hereje:

"Hereje" explores the theme of heresy and the persecution of those who challenged the religious orthodoxy of their time. The lyrics make reference to Gnosticism, a mystical and esoteric tradition that was considered heretical by the early Christian Church. The song also mentions the Cathars, a Christian sect that emerged in medieval Europe and was brutally persecuted by the Catholic Church during the Crusades. The lyrics highlight the symbolic and metaphysical aspects of these traditions, suggesting that their teachings were grounded in a direct connection with the divine that transcended traditional dogma, without the need of another human’s intervention. However, the song also alludes to the violence and intolerance that these beliefs provoked, as many of their followers were burnt at the stake or otherwise punished for their dissenting views. Through these references, the song invites the listener to question the nature of religious authority and to appreciate the bravery of those who dared to challenge it: spirituality is a personal endeavor.

4. Oculto:

"Oculto" is an exploration of the esoteric and mystical tradition of alchemy, a practice that was popular in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. The lyrics reference the seven planets and the seven metals associated with each of them, as well as the four classical elements of earth, air, fire, and water. The song also alludes to the three alchemical states of albedo, nigredo, and rubedo, which represent different stages in the process of transmutation. These stages were seen as a metaphor for the psychological and spiritual transformation of the alchemist, as well as the physical transformation of matter. The philosopher's stone is also part of the lyrical concept, a mythical substance that was believed to have the power to transmute base metals into gold, and to confer immortality on the alchemist. Through these references, the song suggests that alchemy was a holistic and all-encompassing practice that sought to uncover the hidden connections between the microcosm and the macrocosm and to reveal the spiritual and divine nature of the universe.

5. Isis Sin Velo:

"Isis Sin Velo" is a tribute to the teachings of Theosophy, a spiritual and philosophical movement that emerged in the late 19th century. The lyrics allude to the oriental influence on western spirituality, which was a central theme in theosophical thought. The song references Helena Blavatsky, the founder of Theosophy, and her belief in the existence of an astral light, a subtle and ethereal substance that permeates the universe. The song also makes reference to Tibet, which was regarded by Blavatsky and other Theosophists as a repository of ancient spiritual wisdom. The Cabala, a mystical tradition within Judaism, is also part of the lyrical conceptualization, suggesting the eclectic and syncretic nature of Theosophy. Finally, the song alludes to the mythical continent of Atlantis, which was seen by some Theosophists as a source of ancient wisdom and knowledge. Through these references, the song suggests that Theosophy was a visionary and utopian movement that sought to unite the disparate strands of human spirituality and uncover the hidden dimensions of the universe.

6. Arcano:

"Arcano" is an exploration of the symbolism and meaning of the Tarot, a deck of cards that have been used for divination and spiritual insight for centuries and is tied to the most diverse cultures: Egyptian, Gypsy, Marseilles where each version of the deck is known for its rich symbolism and intricate designs. The lyrics reference the Major Arcana, which consists of 22 cards that represent major life events and archetypal themes. The song alludes to the influence of Carl Jung, a psychologist who saw the Tarot as a reflection of the collective unconscious and a tool for personal growth and self-awareness. The lyrics suggest that the Tarot can be used to explore the relationship between the conscious and subconscious mind and to gain a deeper understanding of one's own psyche. Through these references, the song celebrates the wisdom and mystery of the Tarot, and invites the listener to explore its secrets and insights while memorizing the 22 Major Arcana.

7. Sibila:

"Sibila" is a tribute to the life and legacy of Hypatia of Alexandria, a philosopher, mathematician, and astronomer who lived in the 4th and 5th centuries AD. The lyrics reference the famous Library of Alexandria, which was one of the greatest centers of learning in the ancient world, and where Hypatia studied and taught. The song alludes to the role of Hypatia as a High Priestess and Oracle, suggesting her mystical and spiritual nature. At the same time, the song celebrates her contributions to science and mathematics, which were groundbreaking for her time. However, the lyrics also reference the misogyny and intolerance that Hypatia faced, which ultimately led to her brutal murder at the hands of a mob. The song suggests that Hypatia's life and death were emblematic of the tension between science and magic, reason and superstition, and the struggle for women's rights and recognition in a patriarchal society. Through these references, the song invites the listener to celebrate the legacy of Hypatia and to question the societal structures that perpetuate inequality and oppression.

8. Sincretismo:

"Sincretismo" is an exploration of the concept of syncretism, which refers to the blending and fusion of different religious and cultural traditions. The lyrics reference the presence of Black Madonnas in different parts of the world, which are often associated with the cult of the Mother Goddess and the worship of female deities. The song alludes to the figure of Lilith, a symbol of female empowerment and rebellion, as well as the goddesses Astarte and Pachamama, which represent fertility, love, and the cycles of nature. The lyrics suggest that syncretism is a way of integrating different cultures and traditions, and uncovering the hidden knowledge and wisdom that lies beneath the surface of symbols and myths. The song also celebrates the richness and diversity of ancestral traditions and the importance of preserving and honoring them. Through these references, the song invites the listener to embrace syncretism as a path to unity, understanding, and spiritual growth, and to recognize the power and beauty of the feminine divine in all its forms.

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