Band Biographies: Thedus

Thedus was born in Parma (IT) at the end of 2018. The components Roberto Amoruso (guitar), Ivan Belisardi (bass), and Simone Silvestre (drums) find themselves working in the room on songs elaborated from Rob's ideas and, between a rehearsal and the first live shows, they meet again in February 2019 to record their first self-titled EP "Thedus I".

After a long period of silence caused by the pandemic, they entered again the studio for the recordings of the first full-length, thanks to the support of Enrico Baraldi at the Vacuum Studio in Bologna.

The music was initially born with a broader idea of exploiting the explosive force of doom, with various references to the Sludge thrust, up to more post-Doom environments, to express the idea of the devastating force of the universe that surrounds us. With the latest work to be released, the band goes into a more limited and introspective research of human psychological suffering, with the idea of bringing the listener to face the traumatic nature of deep research into oneself in a state of hypnosis.

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