Behind The Scenes: Antirope - Dead Sun (Official Video)

About the video:

The reference to being 'under a dead sun' reflects a feeling of being trapped or stuck in a stagnant, lifeless state. It signifies a sense of disconnect from dreams, aspirations, or a higher purpose and resonates with the underlying emotions conveyed in the song. I think the visual elements of the video really enhance the emotional impact of the music. The video kind of invites you to engage with the theme of the song and connect with the idea of being trapped in a lifeless reality.

Patrick: Originally, I had planned to create a completely different video where Slaven's recordings from Iceland would be projected through his head and filmed in the studio. However, when I captured Slaven's lip-sync footage, I was impressed by his 'psycho look'; he didn't blink once throughout the entire take, and I was blown away. I decided to change the entire video concept, as this intense gaze conveys the mood of the song 'Dead Sun' so effectively, piercing right through you.

Slaven: Patrick had an idea to focus on close-up shots of me singing the entire song without moving a muscle, only my mouth. It creates a spooky and psycho-like image that becomes the central theme of the video. During the initial shooting, I happened to be in Iceland, and we decided to incorporate some footage from there, which ended up being used in the chorus. I believe the entire video radiates an introspective mood that aligns well with the lyrics.

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