Behind The Tracks: Letters To Part - Breathe (Single) (2023)

1. What can you say about this new song?

Our latest song, "Breathe," delves into themes of self-realization, self-worth, and inner strength. It revolves around reclaiming one's sense of direction, acknowledging unhealthy patterns, and embarking on a journey of self-improvement while distancing oneself from toxic individuals. This track marks a significant milestone for us as it serves as our first release following our EP "Mad'ouk" in 2020.

2. What is the meaning of the song name?

The title "Breathe" encapsulates the concept of taking in a rejuvenating breath of air, symbolizing a fresh start and new beginnings. It represents the act of embracing a new chapter in life and welcoming positive changes.

3. Which one is the composer of the song?

Our vocalist Y’shua wrote the lyrics/skeleton of the song. The rest of the band came in and added the rest of their own personal tweaks to make it a collaborative effort. Our vocalist, Y'shua, initially crafted the lyrics and the core structure of the song. Together, we transformed it into a collaborative work effort by each band member adding their own personal touches and unique contributions. 

4. Is there a special message in this song? If there is what it is?

The underlying message of our song is all about empowering oneself to foster personal growth and actively breaking free from old habits in the present moment. It encourages individuals to not merely recognize repetitive patterns in their lives but to take decisive action and make positive changes instead of remaining passive. The song serves as a call to embrace self-empowerment and actively pursue a path of self-improvement.

5. Are there some lyrics of this song that you'd love to share?

The line "Are these patterns unworn" in our song explores negative behaviors exhibited by others and the decision to adopt or reject them. It emphasizes the importance of recognizing and resisting the temptation to reciprocate harm. By doing so, the song delivers a message of breaking free from negative patterns and avoiding perpetuating negativity. It encourages listeners to make conscious choices and resist replicating harmful behaviors.

6. Which inspirations have been important for this song? Like musically or friends, family, someone you'd love to thank especially?

We’d like to thank the ones who are close to us that shared their stories and experiences. The hardship that they’ve gone through inspired the song to become what it is and allowed us to pursue moving forward with another release. We’d like to thank Randall Karriker at Descendant Recording Co for helping produce, mix, and master the song. 

7. Something to add?

“Breathe” is out on all streaming services and the music video is available on BVTV’s page.

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