Behind The Tracks: Spoilers - Peaches And Cream (Single) (2023)

Inspired by anxiety and depression this high-energy song kicks ass but tells an important message at the same time: Being stuck between living the dream and feeling out of place, between feeling great and being envious.

"Living the dream - You can have everything in life you ever wanted and dreamed of... and it does make you happy most of the time. People making their lives look like a fairy tale and insanely happy... and then when you run into them they’re actually having a really bad time."

"It was something a bloke I used to drink with would say, he’d have a really positive story always ending somehow on a downer.", says singer Dan Goatham(also known for being in SNUFF). "And he once said, "well, it ain’t all peaches and cream." So I stole it."

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