Interviews: Calico Jack

On this new occasion, we have had the opportunity to interview the Pirate Metal band, Calico Jack from Italy. Check out the interview and follow the band on their FACEBOOK PAGE.

1. Where did you get the idea for the band name, you planned it or came out just like that?

We play pirate metal, and Calico Jack has been the best pirate of them all. Simple, direct, effective.

2. Why did you want to play this genre?

Pirate metal is a very specific genre and it lacks a real musical definition, it’s more about themes, lyrics, and atmosphere. Instead, other thematic genres like Viking Metal are also defined at a musical level. While Nordic and Viking-themed metal bands were plentiful at the time and still are, very few bands have addressed the pirate theme, either musically or from a historical or mythological perspective. The band was born to try to fill this void and develop our take on pirate metal.

3. Did you know each other before the band was formed?

Only the brothers Toto and Caps knew each other before the founding because they were born in the same family. Dave, the fiddler, was the first to respond to an ad, the rest of the crew was then picked up from the worst dive bars in the West Indies, and the lineup has stayed almost unchanged to this day. Everyone still has all their fingers attached to their hands, which is very unusual for a pirate crew after all this time.

4. Each band member's favorite band?

Caps: Angra

Dave: Finntroll

Giggi: Uncomfortable, unpronounceable, unknown black metal bands

Giò: ‘Having a favorite band is stupid.’

Melo: Cain’s Offering and everything with Jani Liimatainen

Toto: Exciter

5. Who or what inspires you to write songs?

The band was founded with the aim of merging legendary 80s heavy metal with modern Scandinavian folk metal, wrapping everything in a maritime atmosphere, inspired by folk songs and sea shanties of the Anglo-Saxon tradition. Our lyrics are written trying to be as faithful as possible to the style of traditional maritime songs. We often quote phrases or sayings from the Anglo-Saxon seafaring tradition and the culture of the Golden Age of Piracy. Sometimes we also use languages other than English, depending on the story we are telling.

6. Where was your last gig?

Milan, with Elvenking.

7. Where would you like to act?

70000 Tons of Metal would be a perfect fit for a pirate metal band! Why haven't they called us yet? You tell’em!

8. Whom would you like to feature with?

We like to play with anyone but we have a special fondness for teetotal bands, so we can drain their share as well.

9.Whom not?

MÃ¥neskin is an Italian band you may have heard of.

10. Have any of you ever suffered from stage fright? Any tips for beginners on how to beat that?

Stage fright is the least of our worries. We can give two pieces of advice to those who suffer from this problem:

1 - You need to find your true calling, the musical genre or style with which you truly express what you have inside. If you are terrified of getting something wrong on stage obviously it is not something that comes from within you but something you strive to do as a job. Find the art that really represents you, be 100% yourself on stage, and the fear will disappear.

2 - Drink alcohol just before the performance.

11. What bands have inspired you the most?

Finntroll: They are the main inspiration for the band, the absolute folk metal champions of all time.

Korpiklaani: Korpiklaani's pounding humppa folk is a key inspiration for many of our songs.

Moonsorrow: Calico Jack wrote some very long suites, and Moonsorrow is the main inspiration for the tracks with the more epic and dilated style.

Equilibrium: The style of this German band is particularly admired by Toto, especially the mixture of disparate metal and folk melodies.

Running Wild: The inventors of pirate metal cannot be missed among the band's inspirations, and they are considered one of the best classic metal bands of all time.

12. What's the weirdest thing a fan has ever asked you for?

Fans often ask us to bring a real parrot on stage because it would be perfect for a pirate band. Of course, we can't do that! Our parrot stays in the dressing room, she doesn’t like loud noises.

13. What do you think of your fans?

They're a bunch of scurvy-ridden, lice-infested sea slackers! (Coming from us, this is very loving praise)

14. What do you think of our site?

We are always in favor of spaces where underground bands can express themselves and receive visibility. Breathingthecore seems to have been born with this purpose and looks amazing. We also like illegible logos.

15. Something to add?

The band has a motto: 'Calico Jack always pays for drinks', and offers endless rounds of beer and rum to any fan who asks for them, with no budget limits. The band also boasts that they have never played sober on a stage since 2012, and this phrase is even on one of their T-shirts.

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