Interviews: LEARN TO LIE

On this new occasion, we have had the opportunity to interview the Alternative Rock band, LEARN TO LIE from the UK. Check out the interview and follow the band on their FACEBOOK PAGE.

1. Where did you get the idea for the band name, you planned it or did it just come out like that?

The reason was that Matt Jones read somewhere that ‘Bring Me the Horizon’ was taken from a film and thought it was cool that there was a story behind the name. Learn to Lie was taken from Star Wars - Rogue One “So I did the one thing nobody expected. I lied. I learned to lie.” Matt Jones thought that line was cool and tweaked the line into a band name.

2. Why did you want to play this genre?

Learn to Lie, as a band, are passionate about playing in the alt-rock genre due to our unique musical style and our refusal to be compared to other artists. As a female-fronted band, we are proud to offer a refreshing perspective and bring a new dimension to the alt-rock scene. We feel we embrace our individual and diverse music tastes within the band, resulting in a compelling cross-over of genres that we think sets us apart from others. We firmly believe that our sound cannot be pigeonholed into a single comparison because it is a fusion of our personal influences and experiences. We aim to create an authentic and original musical experience for our listeners, breaking free from the industry's tendency to categorize and compare artists. By staying true to ourselves and our own unique sound, We intend to carve our own path in the alt-rock genre, leaving a lasting impression on the music scene.

3. Did you know each other before the band was formed?

The band "Learn to Lie" was formed through a series of fortuitous encounters and musical connections. It all began when Andy Burns and Matt Jones, who worked together at a local golf club, discovered their shared passion for music and their desire to explore new musical projects. Realizing the potential of their collaboration, they wasted no time in organizing a jam session. The chemistry between them was immediate, and they quickly recognized the potential to create something special. Motivated by their mutual dedication, they decided to take Learn to Lie seriously and have been working together ever since. Following the departure of the original vocalist and bassist in late 2021, Learn to Lie found itself in need of restructuring. Andy Burns had also crossed paths with Courtney Hurcombe during their time as music students at the University of Wolverhampton from 2014 to 2017. Over the course of their studies, they developed a strong friendship and stayed in touch after graduating. When the opportunity arose to find a new vocalist for Learn to Lie, Courtney was at the forefront of Andy's mind. Recognising Courtney's exceptional talent and their existing rapport, Andy approached Courtney to join the band, solidifying a vital addition to the line-up. As the band aimed to further develop their sound, they set out to find a skilled bassist. In early 2022, they utilized, a platform designed for musicians seeking band members. It was through this platform that they discovered Matt Checkley. Over a series of jam sessions, Matt demonstrated his remarkable bass skills, bringing a unique element to the group with his dry sense of humor. The band members felt an instant connection, and Matt seamlessly integrated into his role within Learn to Lie. His addition solidified the band's line-up, allowing them to continue their musical journey with renewed energy and enthusiasm.

4. Each band member's favorite band? 

Courtney Hurcombe (Singer): Paramore I always find this question really hard! Currently, the band I’m listening to the most is Paramore. Since the release of their new album, it’s been replaying none stop! Hayley has always been a huge influence on my vocal and writing style. I relate a lot to their new album, I think a lot of us do, and it’s a feeling of comfort knowing that they’re a band who I have grown with, as their Music has adapted and changed as much as I have. But other bands I listen to on rotation range from Fleetwood Mac to London Grammar to Bring Me The Horizon, and everyone in between. I change music with my mood and that goes through genres and artists, just whatever I feel like that day!

Andy Burns (Guitar): A Perfect Circle is my favorite band because they possess a unique ability to push and pull on my emotions with their captivating music. James Keenan's vocal range and ability are simply outstanding, allowing him to convey a wide spectrum of emotions in each and every song. His powerful and emotive voice truly resonates with me. Additionally, Billy Howerdel's musical arrangements are nothing short of breathtaking. The band's compositions are intricate, dynamic, and beautifully crafted, creating a mesmerizing sonic experience.

Matt Checkley (Bass): Haken Haken's musical style combines progressive rock and metal with intricate compositions and powerful vocals. They are always evolving and not afraid to try new things. Their music can contain jazz interludes or djent style breakdowns, I love the unpredictability.

Matt Jones (Drums): Bring Me the Horizon is my favorite band because their music connects with me on a deep level. Among their albums, "Sempiternal" stands out for its powerful emotions and relatable lyrics. It's a collection of songs that captures the ups and downs of life, offering a sense of understanding and growth. The melodies and vocals are incredibly moving, creating an authentic and genuine experience. It's a testament to the band's talent and their ability to create music that truly resonates with their listeners.

5. Who or what inspires you to write songs?

The songwriting process is a collaborative effort that begins with Andy's initial guitar riff. The entire band comes together to collectively shape and develop the songs. Our collaborative approach extends beyond traditional jamming sessions in the studio and embraces the convenience and connectivity of the online platform (Online Digital Audio Workspace). This hybrid way of working allows us to harness the power of technology while still engaging in the exhilarating experience of live collaboration. Through this dynamic process, we collectively mold and refine our songs, drawing inspiration from each other's ideas and musical perspectives. It is this shared synergy and dedication to the craft that drives the songwriting process in Learn to Lie.

6. Where was your last gig?

Our last gig took place on the 20th of April 2023 at The Victoria in Birmingham as part of the Jameson Irish Whiskey Presents night. We had the privilege of supporting the local band "CIRCA '94" in this great small venue. The atmosphere was electric, and the venue had a fantastic vibe. It's always a challenge for promoters to decide which lineup to place us in, as we don't fit neatly into either the lighter or heavier bands' categories. However, we were pleasantly surprised by how well we were received by the audience. Our unique sound seemed to resonate with the crowd, and we felt a strong connection throughout the performance. We look forward to future gigs where we can continue to deliver our distinctive sound and connect with even more music enthusiasts.

7. Where would you like to play?

We have a local dream, a place we've always aspired to play — the newly renovated halls in Wolverhampton, previously also known as the Civic Halls. Whether it's the halls or the Wulfrun halls, it would be an incredible experience for us. This venue has been dearly missed over the past few years, and we genuinely believe it's one of the finest live music destinations in the Midlands. We're super excited about its return! We've witnessed some amazing performances there, and the opportunity to perform in our vocalist's hometown would be truly extraordinary!

8. Who would you like to support?

We would love to support the up-and-coming Scottish female fronted 2 piece alt-rock band, Vukovi. This band has captured our attention with their unbelievably fresh sound, combining pop lyrical hooks with killer guitar riffs, and pushing the boundaries of alternative rock music. Having witnessed their incredible performance in Birmingham last year, we can confidently say that Vukovi knows how to put on a show like no other.

9. Have any of you has ever suffered from stage fright? Any tip for beginners on how to beat that?

“As long as I can remember, I have battled against my stage fright. One really significant night sticks in my mind as a turning point for me. I was 16 years old, at Birmingham's O2 Academy 2, going to play to the biggest crowd I had ever performed to. After sound check, I realized just how big the room was and just froze. I couldn’t talk. I could barely move myself. I didn’t think that the show would happen, but I made sure that it did. I pushed myself onto the stage and gave it my all. My all at that time was actually able to sing and not just stand there frozen. But I did it. From that point on, I realized that most of my fear is in my head (the rest came from my fear of heights). Stage fright is not something that you beat, it’s something you work with. To try and ignore it, can only make it worse, causing times like I had at 16. I try to use breathing techniques just to calm my nerves, grounding myself and getting through it one step at a time. It is a long process and something I still go through at every gig, video shoot, recording session, and in everyday life. Just keep going and it gets easier.” - Courtney Hurcombe (Singer)

10. What bands have inspired you the most?

We all draw inspiration from a diverse range of musical influences, making it challenging to pinpoint a single band that inspires the entire group. Each member brings their unique tastes and preferences to the table. Andy finds inspiration in the big guitar riff alt-rock bands, creating a foundation of powerful and energetic sounds. Matt C's passion lies in progressive metal, contributing intricate and complex elements to the band's music. Matt J's love for hip-hop and rap injects a distinct rhythm and lyrical flow into their sound. Meanwhile, Courtney's open-mindedness towards any genre allows for experimentation and the incorporation of various styles. It is this blend of individual influences that gives Learn to Lie its truly unique sound, reflecting the diverse musical backgrounds and interests of its members.

11. What's the weirdest thing a fan has ever asked you for?

We’ll have to think about that!

12. What do you think of your fans?

We appreciate anyone who digs our music, we don’t do it for popularity but to have people who appreciate what we do is amazing.

13. What do you think of our site?

It's refreshing to witness a platform that is dedicated to shining a spotlight on up-and-coming bands. In today's music industry, promoting one's band has become increasingly challenging due to the overwhelming number of artists vying for attention. However, "breathing the core" manages to break through the noise and offer a breath of fresh air. It’s a great resource for both music enthusiasts and aspiring musicians. It's a place where genuine talent can be discovered and appreciated.

15. Something to add?

We are excited to announce the release of our new single 'Strong' on the 16th of June! 'Strong' delves into the theme of walking away from relationships that have become unhealthy, whether they be with family, friends, or in the workplace. Through our single artwork and lyric video, we portray the potential breakdowns of any relationship, capturing the stages of Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance—the five stages of grief. Mark your calendars for the 16th of June when 'Strong' will be available on all major music streaming platforms. Additionally, join us on YouTube Premiere at 9 AM to witness the accompanying lyric video. We can't wait for you to experience 'Strong'! Pre-Save ‘Strong’ Now…

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