Interviews: Unfair Fate

On this new occasion, we have had the opportunity to interview the Thrash Metal/Death Metal band, Unfair Fate from Sweden. Check out the interview and follow the band on their FACEBOOK PAGE.

1. Where did you get the idea for the band name, you planned it or came out just like that?

We had a really tough time coming up with a name and went through a lot of brainstorming. The idea for Unfair Fate came from looking at our differences in life and death. Some people die young, some live long, some are happy, some are miserable... Our lives are different from each other and some things are unfair, but it's a road we have to walk individually.

2. Why did you want to play this genre?

It's what comes naturally. There has never been a discussion of what type of music we are going to make, it would only trap our sound in a corner. The only rule that we go by is that each song needs to have its own life and energy.

3. Did you know each other before the band was formed?

Long story short: Riku (Guitars and Vocals) and our former drummer put an ad out searching for a bass player, in the band's early days. William responded and things just clicked immediately. Alex and Riku had played in a band before and were friends. He jumped in when we parted ways with our former drummer. First as a session drummer, then as a full-time member.

4. Each band member's favorite band?

It’s always hard to name just one favorite among all the great music that’s ever been produced, but these are the bands we love right now:

William (Bass): I have to say Gojira. Especially their album From Mars to Sirius. They are phenomenal at writing songs that just keep you entertained and curious from start to end. And their live performances are really something else, it’s like one big music machine that never misses a beat.

Alex (Drums): Whitechapel, especially the albums made between 2008-2014. They include everything I like in metal music, quick tempo changes, brutal growls, super heavy guitars/bass, and drums that have great dynamics. They also have really nice melodies in many songs, which is not so common in that genre.

Riku (Guitars and Vocals): Slayer, closely followed by Pantera. I just feed off the energy in Slayer's songs, especially when they played live. Dimebag's way of playing in Pantera still drops my jaw today, his technique was flawless, and a big influence on me when I started playing guitar. Phil Anselmo's vocals and his way of writing lyrics are some of the best in Metal. He has definitely impacted the way I approach my vocal duties in our band.

5. Who or what inspires you to write songs?

When it comes to music we try to keep an open mind and take in as many influences as possible. Whether it's a new album from our favorite band or a song from an unknown band, we rather have ten things that influence us than three. The lyrics often circle around the human psyche or psychology in one way or another. We try to approach them in different ways, like storytelling something fictional or deep diving into some real event. The themes are always leaning toward the more negative end of the spectrum.

6. Where was your last gig?

Our last gig was at Klubb Fredagsmangel, which is one of the last-standing extreme metal clubs with live music here in Stockholm. We had a great time and shared the stage with Sorcery. It’s not the biggest venue, but it always has good vibes and the people there are really passionate about the underground metal scene. We are actually playing there again in June this year. We are certain that it’s going to be as fantastic as the last time.

7. Where would you like to act?

It would be awesome to play at a bigger festival, like Wacken, Copenhell, or Gefle Metal Festival.

8. Whom would you like to feature with?

Tough one, there are many cool metal bands out there today. Maybe a live show with Decapitated or Exodus. Gary Holt seems to be such an easygoing guy, it would be fun to pick his brain for a few minutes.

9. Whom not?

We have not featured with anyone yet, so we are open to almost anything. Maybe it would be difficult to incorporate our sound in genres too far removed from metal, but we would do our best to make it work. If Ed Sheeran ever gave us a call we would at least not hang up on him right away.

10. Have any of you ever suffered from stage fright? Any tips for beginners on how to beat that?

Not badly, no. There are always some nerves and butterflies before a show, but the best way to beat that is to be well-rehearsed on the setlist and focus on having fun. No one cares if you mess up a little bit and stuff happens live, in the moment. Even Metallica has restarted songs, you know. Whatever you do, don't drink too much. If things go wrong, you're just a drunk on stage and if things go right, it's not because you were drunk.

11. What bands have inspired you the most?

We mentioned a few already, but we can add a few more. Death is an easy pick. Very creative and legendary. There's no other band that writes Anxiety in Death Metal as well as At the Gates. Behemoth's album 'The Satanist' is a work of art that must be experienced at least once.

12. What's the weirdest thing a fan has ever asked you for?

Nothing weird really. Someone asked us to come to a jazz-fusion art show after a gig, but they were probably just being polite.

13. What do you think of your fans?

We love our fans of course! It’s amazing to see the reach that music can have. We are just three guys in a basement, writing songs that we like to listen to and play. But somehow people in all parts of the world appreciate the music even though we might not have anything else in common except the appreciation of extreme metal.

14. What do you think of our site?

It’s awesome that sites like this exist that highlight smaller bands and give us a platform where new people can find out about us. And where we ourselves can find some new awesome bands to listen to and follow of course!

15. Something to add?

Thanks for having us and check out the reissue of our album 'Into the Abyss' on May 26, released by Wormholedeath Records!

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